BASSLER, Dawn's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

She's the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry...
"...still you don't regret a single day."
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.003 -- Bwuh? [May 03, 2009 @ 7:03pm]
Lookit that. I'm still alive.

We had this insane case go down, so they've practically been chaining me to the lab in Charleston until I give them answers. I swear, all I've done is sleep and stare at blood spatter for the entire week. Luckily, there's light at the end of the tunnel. I am so ready for this case to close, so that I can eat, and possibly scratch that itch that's been bugging my ankle all week.

.002 - Dun dun dun [April 10, 2009 @ 9:09pm]
So, the wedding was lovely. They always are, no matter how many times you go through it... Holly was the most adorable flower girl. She didn't wander off or anything.

Which reminds me, I should go get the pictures developed. Maybe tomorrow, on my way to work. It's not like the lab is full of fun and interesting cases right now. People always kill each other in the same ways.
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.001 -- Flail. [February 17, 2009 @ 9:46pm]
Holly moves like a ghost when she wants too. Which explains why my front hallway is covered with small, purple handprints. As are my favorite pair of jeans, from when she came running at me when I discovered her new art project. I think I'll leave the ones in the hallway. It's a good warning sign. 'I have a child, proceed with caution.' Or better yet 'I have a child, so don't flip the fuck out when I mention her halfway through the date'.

In other news, Saturday night was another bust. Hooray.
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[January 30, 2009 @ 2:18am]
profile: dawn bassler )

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