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little lost pureblood

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[Jun. 12th, 2008|03:47 pm]
Original Story: Angel in the Ruff


Let's see.... what or where should I start with my life and what i'm doing here within this new journal that i'm keeping? There's so much I could start with....

Well, for starters, my name is Jenna Allysa Hosten. But most people just call me Jade. I'm 26 years old, and i moved from Marian New York to the sunny state of Florida in the City of Angels Haven. Trust me, living up north with your family then making the change is something that's hard to come by.

Now why do you ask why we made the change? Well let me tell you.....

My mother had lost her job, and our father decided to pack us up and just move everyone, including my grandmother to florida. The benefit is that we'll be near my older brother Gabriel who is down here, the bad thing is my family and I were giving up all we had up here.

And my family? Well, it consists of my mother Angellica, whose one of the strongest women i've known in the world. I also have a great grandmother, named Aubrey Martin. And Aubrey is my mothers mother.

I mentioned about my older brother Gabe, he's four years older then I am -- I also have a twin brother named Jason. And in case youre wondering, we are identical twins, though people say they cant tell. I guess you can say that we've got one of those classic bonds no one can break.

Now, the only other one i havent mentioned about is.....

A sudden sound of breaking glass was heard out in the hallway, followed by the sounds of a man screaming and bitching about things in the living room. Jade tensed like all hell as soon as she heard it, as she bit her lip hard. "Great..." she mumbled to herself, "He's fucking here."

She debated on if she should be going out into the living room. When it came to her father carrying on like he was doing, she knew to stay away. Why? Because she was his guinea pig. She was always the one who found to be the whipping bitch for him. It was nothing the boys did wrong, the boys were fine in his eyes. But with her, it was another story. Another story in general.

She heard another crash as she got up and crept out of her bedroom, hoping that she was going to avoid the chernobyl.



She turned her heel slowly as she saw the fuming face of her father stalking towards her, "Why the goddamn hell havent you done any sort of yardwork for your grandmother?!?!" he screamed as he got up right in her face. "You are so useless and pointless, i dont know how the hell your grandmother puts up with you!!"

Jade felt a twinge of anger and frustration shoot through her system, "I'm sorry Father, I didnt realize working 40 hours a week to help grandma get out of the debt we're stuck in at the moment with Jase counted as doing nothing." she said respectfully, but in an incline to sound like she was being defiant.

Michael Hosten glared at his daughter and with a swift motion of his hand, he smacked his daughter HARD across the face.

And before he realized it, he had his eldest son tackling him and rolling him away from where Jade was.

She literally fell back as she tried to catch her footing just as she saw Gabriel tackling their father and holding him down. He could see the fury blazing in her elder brothers eyes as she bit her lip hard.

Gabe held his father down, trying to force his entire being to not want to slug his father right there, "How many FUCKING Times are you going to pull this same goddamned bullshit you asshole?!?!" he seethed through his gritted teeth. "I NEVER.....want to ever see you TRY...."

He was stopped short when he felt the slender hands of his baby sister grasping onto his shoulders, and the deadpan voice she had saying in a quiet tone, "Leave it Gabe.....let's just go...?" She asked, not wanting to see any more fighting happen in front of anyone right now. She was still feeling the stinging pain of the slap radiating through her reddened cheek. She wasnt sure if he'd haul off and punch their father, but she prayed her touch would recoil him and make him get up and they could just leave.

Gabe thought for a long moment, before he finally climbed off their father, and got up and put his arm around Jade's shoulders and walked out of the house without so much as a word. He knew that he had to half respect his father, and in a small regretful way he regretted jumping on him.... but when it came to their fathers reaction to Jade, he couldnt just not do anything. The moment Jade and Jase were born, they were his precious treasures. He became more of a parental father figure then their own father. He loved his baby siblings and teasingly called them treasure names. Jaden was his "Jewel" and and Jason was the "killer shark".

He put her in the passenger seat of his convertible, and just revved up the engine, pulling away. The two of them sat in silence for the longest of time, before Gabe reached over and took a hold of his baby sisters hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, reminding her silently that he was right there with her, and he wasnt going anywhere.

He heard his cell phone ring after a few moments, and answered it, "Hosten...."

"What in the hell happened this time?!?!" the shouting voice of Jason came over the speaker phone, "I just drove by the house and grandma told me to call you. What's goign on? Is Jade with you? Is she okay? He didnt touch her did he?"

Gabe sighed, "Killer, calm yourself okay? Before you get in a fucking accident. Listen, just meet us at Lake Marsh near the benches, all right? and if i find out that you were driving recklessly in that Mustang, i'm taking away the goddamn keys. All right, later." he then looked back at Jade, and brushed a few careful bangs out of her face.

When they got to Lake Marsh, they parked the car and just sat there for a long moment before Jade got up and leaned against the door. Gabe got out and moved to go around to meet up with her, but was taken by surprise when he felt her silently just fling herself into his arms, and felt the wetness against his T-shirt.

Her tears.

Sighing quietly, he wrapped his strong arms around her and just held her, letting her cry as she had to. Seeing his baby sister shed any tears over the continuous fucking bullshit that she had to put up with from her father was enough to make his heart break. There wasnt much that got to Gabe, but seeing Jade in any sort of pain, drove him up the wall.

"Jewel...." he muttered in a soothing tone as he ran his fingers through her mid-length hair, keeping her as close as he could. His other free hand ran up and down her back in a gentle manner- a little trick he used to use when she was little. "Im sorry i snapped like that, but i told you... that fucker tries laying a hand on you...."

"I know..." she said as she sniffled, before leaning back to wipe her eyes, her voice between uneasy and okay. She looked up at Gabe as she sighed, "I've been doing good enough to just ignore him, but I cant take when he's just seeming to be getting progressively worse.... ripping on mom..... blaming ever single fucking thing going wrong here, and i'm just trying to help Jase and Grams get the bills paid because that fucker keeps spending, so mom has to keep borrowing from us to survive...."

Gabe shushed her again as he held her closer, "Listen, I dont want you to make yourself worry about what stupid fucking things that jackass is doing, and Mom knows i'll help her as much as I can. But I want you to just ignore every single thing that's going on, and
just try to enjoy and make your life the best it can be, you hear me?" he cupped her face in his fingers, before brushing her eyes to get rid of any spare tears, he found himself smiling gently, "I want my little jewel to be able to do nothing but sparkle, you hear me?"

Jade couldnt help but weakly laugh as she bit her lip. Her big brother was the one she always turned to when she needed advice. When it came to simple questions, all the way down to guy issues, if Jase couldnt help her, they called Gabe. Gabe was their knowledge and protector. "Gabe....." she tried to interject.

He put a finger up, "I mean it! that's an order." he then poked her chest teasingly, before cupping her chin in his hand, "You know you and Jase mean alot to me... I love my two treasures."

Jade smiled weakly through her misty eyes, "I know....and we love you brat." She muttered before she wrapped her arms tightly around him and hugged him as strong as she could, burying her face and drawing on his strength he gave her right then and there.

Just as they were trying to share a moment, the nearby Black Mustang came to a park near Gabe's, and their other sibling Jason came out of the vehicle, jogging over with a look of anger and concern flashing in his eyes. "Okay, what the fuck happened?" he exclaimed as he went over to Jade, touching her face to see the red mark still visible there. He then turned to Gabe, "Okay, can I kill the bastard yet?"

Gabe shook his head, trying to give a very light smirk as he ruffled his little brother's hair, "Listen to me you little killer shark, get in your car, and we're heading to StarBucks to splurge on Jewel here. She's deserving of a little treatment by her two bodyguards."

He blinked in surprise at him, as he shook his head, "Yeah yeah okay. I'll meet you there."

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