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Blather About Fanfiction - January 20th, 2011
SDKLR and Hosting News
I've been tweaking things over at SDKLR. This included the link updating I promised to do, along with fixing a long-standing boo-boo on the contributor's fanart page (Rossie Townsend and Cinthia T.C. were both dropped from the fanart page, despite having their names listed on the contributor index.) I also made a favicon for the SDKLR, which I hope shows up sooner rather than later (lol). Of course, I need to make sure that it works with my host, which brings me to my second round of news.

While I was looking on the support forums this morning, I saw some news that the hosting service I'm using may not make it through 2012 for financial concerns. Plenty of time to prepare, so don't panic. I went ahead and bought an upgrade package (hopefully that will help them a bit with the monetary situation) and I have every intention of staying where I am or popping over to their parent site at a little more cost. But just to be safe, I'm also looking for a free hosting site that could serve as a mirror. It would be quite aggravating to have done all this work and then lose my webspace to host it. (Typical, though, really.)

I just might have to do some dedicated fundraising once I see what the situation is with the host, but I will keep these sites around. Somehow. Even if it takes me setting up an old spare computer and making it my server. These sites shall not die (again).

Edit on the 21st: So I don't make another post and clutter things up, here are a few more items that have changed over at SDKLR:
~ Elektra's works (that I could get) have been added back into the fanfic section. I am missing her Carousel songfic "Don't Do What I Did." Her poem "Human" is just not coming off Archive.org right now but it should be saved in that archive (maybe). If you have either, please send them my way so we can complete that page. (Please?)

~ Two art pieces by Kristin were identified through the old archives. One is the picture of Kunzite strangling Zoi; the other was an image I didn't have before of Zoi at tea.

~ Four Soylent sketches migrated from the unknown artist section to her crypt; namely the gryphon, Zoi's fancy new hairdo, and two of Kunzite and Zoisite being all cute together.

~ Clever people who remember the splashpage index at the old SDKLR will be able to see the "Bump" page again, as I like to call it, if they investigate a bit. A few more nested pages were also grabbed but haven't been linked to the live site yet. This is in anticipation of putting up the original why/what/where links on the home page. Maybe you could poke around and find them, if you're really bored and want to read the disclaimer and stuff like that again. [The who section was taken down by Soylent before the site went kablooey as she felt they were inadequate and unnecessary, instead referring people to "In Metallia's Name" for their character analysis needs. I'll be honoring her wishes and leaving that section off the revived site.]

~ I think some of the art in the unknown section may have been accidentally put there when I was working on BADK. If I see it's listed over there, I'll be taking it out of SDKLR so I can whittle down that unknown section some more.

Whew! Still lots more to do. Need longer hours in the day to do it. ;_;

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Current Mood: working

Name: ladyphoenix9
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