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The journal is friends only! ^_^ comment and add me ^_^ [07 Jan 2008|03:17am]
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Easily people forget the fact that war is never easy, and will always be heart wrenching for many, to say it should not be so is to lie to yourself and your humanity, children will suffer as well as adults, from the war front to the home front, deal with it as best you can. "In a grim marker of the longevity of the war, children who were infants or toddlers when they lost a parent in action are growing up." From that statement you would think that all wars should last only a few days and that we shoot waterguns, stupid asses, just think of the Hundred Years War, or the fact that our so called World War 1 and 2, were not infact the first world wars fought by European nations, what of the children from those? In fact it was worse for them then, we have come far since then, but we need not get too far ahead of ourselves in all of this, and we must realize that we are still human and things will still happen, and to state that the current conflict is an anomaly in terms of length of time is utter nonsense.

Friends only since April 4th 2006 lulz on )
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