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Johanna "Jo" Stewart

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[28 Dec 2010|12:40am]
Character Name: Johanna "Jo" Barda Stewart

Character LJ (if applicable): [info]little_goddess

Physical description (face, build, weight): Brown hair, blue eyes. 6'0", 145 lbs. As the rest of her family is taller than her, she is often called "little", even though she's not short by any standards. Jo is half New God, a quarter Thanagarian, and a quarter human.

Age: 17

Birthday: December 2nd

Codename (if using one): None

PB: Anna Popplewell

Abilities: Jo possesses the standard New God powerset, including superhuman strength, stamina, and reflexes, as well as invulnerability. Being only half of a New God, Jo is not immortal, though she will age much slower than normal humans. Jo has also been trained in combat by both of her parents, and is skilled with both a mace and a Mega Rod, though she prefers hand-to-hand combat. Jo is also in possession of a Mother Box.

Weaknesses and flaws: As she is only half of a New God, Jo's level on invulnerability is slightly weaker than that of her mother's, though kicks and punches from a normal human opponent wouldn't have much of an affect on her as ones from another New God.

Character location/Home: St. Roch

Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero

Team: JSA

Relatives (living/dead?): Rex Stewart (father, living), Hope Free-Stewart (mother, living), Scott Stewart (brother, living), Scott Free (grandfather, living), Barda Free (grandmother, living), Shayera Sanders-Stewart (grandmother, living), John Stewart (grandfather, deceased), Carter Hall (step-grandfather, living), Avia Free (aunt, living), Nicolette Hall (aunt, living), Yason Cynril (uncle, living), Himon (second cousin, living)

Backstory: Johanna Stewart was the second child born to Rex Stewart and Hope Free. Raised in a loving household with both of her parents and older brother, she was taught "the warrior's way" from a young age, and knew how to fight from the time she was very little. Though not as maybe into it as her parents and older brother, she does see fighting as a form of stress relief.

Shortly after turning seventeen, Jo joined the latest incarnation of the JSA, as she grew up with their children, and was told stories of her father's adventures with the team as their leader.

As Hope married and had children with a human, both Jo and her brother are considered to be abominations by Darkseid, and have been informed by his underlings that one day, he will wipe the world clean of their family's existence. Their cousin, Himon, who now leads new Genesis, has informed Darkseid that if he ever attempts to make a move on the Stewart family, that he will destroy Apokolips once and for all.
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