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Sssh, they might hear you. The british are coming! - Post a comment
"Strength is the ability to break a Hershey's Chocolate bar into four pieces ...
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Comment to be added. 18+ please.

This journal consists of:

1. Fandom ramblings.
2. Fangirling.
3. Some real life posts.
4. Memes.
4. Random topics in the media and science.
5. Anime/manga/book/comics/doujinshi/fanart appreciation.
6. Furrie love.
7. Cute animals fanatism.
8. Occasional lewd posts?

This journal is mostly my fandom journal. I rarely post personal posts, but the personal posts I post I hope that my flist respect it and don't take it outside this journal without my permission. It's just common courtesy.

Friending Policy: The minimal requirements on how I will add you back.

1. I don't riend people who are spammers of shady websites.
2. Open-minded, friendly and respectful people are always wanted.
3. I'm an atheist. I don't preach my beliefs and I don't respect those who put others beliefs down, I keep it on respectful terms.
4. I don't friend drama-queens, haters, anti-yaoi/yuri/het/other ships, plagiarists, racists, trolls, radical feminists and anti-furries.
5. I'm not a control freak on needing people to update and comment like crazy. I understand people have a life outside the internet. I'm chill like that. I'm not a LJ nazi now.
6. If your going to add, drop a comment and let me know who you are and where you came cross my journal? I'm not asking for an interview. I just want to know who is who. No big.
7. Be +18 plus. It's awkward having minors see the occasional lewd entry. Nothing personal. If anything, let me know if you are a minor so I can filter you from the lewd posts. Which, to be honest and quite frank, is very minimum.


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Criminal Profile
Name: lucridlucifel
about this journal
Carol: Bi. Animal lover. Eccentric. Macab-Nerd. Music listener. Dancer. Odd sense of humor. Comic book/Manga lover. Reader. Blogger. LJ whore. Fashionista. Amateur artist. Reincarnated robot. Anime fan. Horror nerd. Loves Dogs. Hearts Penguins. Pro Animal rights. Pro Civil rights. Human rights activist. Semi-Feminist. Aqua man lover. Fag-hag. Fanficcer. Bad Poet. Wannabe photographer. Hobbist. Psychology novice. Sociology enthusist. Zombie stalker. Movie goer. Flamboyant. Writer. Fighter. Asthmatic. Criminology dabbler. Honest. Reliable. Sweet. Blunt. Compassionate. Dreamer. Friendly. Germaphobic. Argaphobic. Alone. Dweller. Traveler. Clean. Starfish. Loyal. Atheist. Bad badminton player. Good student. Frail. Fruity. Eats everything. Scary at times. Unconventional. Steampunk/Neo-Victorian/Grunge/Vintage admirer. Scifi fangurl. Science rules. Love/hate relationship with math. Odd. Anxious.
Back September 2016