Marlow - Application

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May 27th, 2009

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07:38 pm - Application
Player: Kerri
Contact info: On file
Character name: Marlow
Physical description: brunette, brown eyes, 5'10", 140 lbs with the army boots. Her thin physique is as much due to genetics as it is a lack of proper nutrition.
Age: 19

An orphaned Marlow showed a aptitude for magic at a very young age. Her potential was so great that she was given to Clea, Sorceress Supreme of the Dark Dimension, for training. Clea had no choice but to restrict Marlow's access to her own power to allow the girl to grow and develop her powers normally. Marlow would gain it all back bit by bit as she learned and studied with Clea and other teachers, a process that would happen over decades and hopefully teach wisdom along with the magic. Marlow unchecked would have devastating access to the universal and divine powers both Dr. Strange and Clea enjoy. Her personal abilities are fairly well developed at her current age. She had some access to the universal sources, usually under stress, before it was blocked.

Before this could happen, a number of entities took an interest in the child. With her under Clea's care, most were content to watch and wait. Ikonn was not; and it placed a demon minder in Marlow to keep an eye on her. The sharing created a type of split personality. While Marlow doesn't have access to her full powers, the demon minder in her head does, and will take control of Marlow when necessary to use it.

Marlow is as normal as any teenager raised in the Dark Dimension with brief excursions to other dimensions for learning purposes. She shows the typical disdain for authority figures and a belief that she has all the answers. She is frequently proved wrong, but bounces back with teenage resiliency.

Marlow with the demon in control gives the impression of being much older, more calculating, and shows an alarming skill for illusion magic drawn from a divine source. The demon rarely takes control, but under great stress or a sudden magical jolt, it will be there and the aid it gives is on a whim and as likely to be for good as well as evil. Its agenda is largely unknown, as well as that of its higher authority, Ikonn. Other experienced mages might recognize it for what it is when it is in the driver's seat; Marlow herself would not believe she's been possessed. She dimly believes it is Clea in her head providing guidance while she's out of the Dark Dimension.

The transportation spell gone awry and taking her out of the Dark Dimension was engineered by Ikonn, who wanted to see how she would fare on Earth. The misfired spell didn't alarm Marlow; her spells frequently have unexpected results of this sort. It may be a symptom of her blocked power trying to overcome its prison and causing her to 'overshoot' her mark.

Personal Abilities: Marlow shows a fine grasp in manipulating magical forces, though she can be distracted.

Astral Projection - her control is weaker the more the distance she needs to project becomes.

Illusion-casting - As an unknowing extension of Ikonn, her illusions are near perfect when she puts in the effort.

Dreamwalking - dislikes this intensely as she continues to 'walk' in on dreams she doesn't want to know exists.

Levitation - if distracted, parts of her will levitate until she can focus. 'Ass over teakettle' describes it perfectly.

Mesmerism - if not careful, Marlow can subjugate free will for a time until it wears off the subject.

Repulse - Can push people back to a distance of five feet.

Telepathy - use outside of training and practice tends to be Marlow telling people to act better and stop being stupid. The receiving end usually ends up with a headache.

Universal Sources: Marlow has some access to universal sources of energy though the power is unpredictable and often weak on her own. Unexpected results have occurred (a spell to convert lead to gold may produce yellow chick peeps, for instance). With the demon, her spells are perfect.

Protective Shields.

Multiple Body Illusion - Can create up to three illusions of herself to throw enemies off the scent.

Spell of Forgetfulness - Makes any number of people forget a recent event. Has overshot her mark once or twice and caused people to forget their names.

Telekinesis - developing

Teleportation - developing

Time Manipulation - Marlow can distort time to slow it or speed it up by seconds at this stage of her learning curve on her own. She has the potential to do so by minutes.

Transmutation - frequent unexpected results (see above.)

Divine Sources:

Marlow can only access divine sources of energy through the demon when under stress. She believes it is through her standing as Clea's apprentice that she able to use them when necessary. Most power is accessed through Ikonn, a debt that will come due when Marlow is deemed ready to begin her service to Ikonn. When necessary, the demon will also use sources that owe a debt to Ikonn. She has access to protective shields on her own. The demon minder is prevented by Ikonn's directive from using energy bolts destructive enough to destroy planets or chunks of planets. Its main objective is to keep Marlow alive and potentially useful.

Divine protection and battle spells with Demonic help: Marlow has the potential for these spells on her own. The demon minder prefers her not to attempt them alone. Job security. The demon likes Earth, and would like it more if it were in control of Marlow and able to do all the things it's only heard about from others of its realm.

Bolts of Balthakk - Standard energy blast

Chains of Krakkan - Conjures heavy chains to ensnare a target.

Clamp of Containment - Summons and shapes rock from the ground beneath a target, trapping the lower body and hands at the waist. The target is unable to cast spells.

Crimson Bands of Cytorrak - Large red glowing ribbons usually used to wrap and capture or imprison a target.

Crimson Crystals of Cytorrak - Summons what appear to be small rubies that are used as an energy blast

Daggers of Daveroth - A mystical energy blast composed of red fiery daggers.

Demons of Denak - Summons what manifests as numerous invisible claws

Flames of the Faltine - Standard energy blast. The Flames are usually green

Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon - Entraps the target in a freezing coating of ice

Images of Ikonn - Marlow is the most skilled at illusions.

Mists of Morpheus - Standard sleep spell

Rains of Raggadorr - Summons a small thunderstorm.

(Light of the) Seven Suns of Cinnibus - A powerful energy blast described as a scorching, all-consuming brilliance

Shackles of Sheol - Magenta bands which enwrap a being's legs and cross at the chest, used to trap and transport an opponent.

Shield of the Seraphim - Standard protection spell. Shown as a shimmering globe. To Marlow's eternal horror, it's a soft, pretty pink glimmer.

Vipers of Valtorr - Summons a mass of long, green, writhing snake-like tentacles to grapple and constrict a target

Marlow has yet to form her own alliances with various sources and entities. As she progresses and learns, she will become aware it's not Clea in her head and that she's not alone.

Character objective: Marlow's growth and knowledge are the objectives. Learning to be with people, to explore various worlds and possibilities on her own. At some point in her life, Marlow will have gained enough knowledge and experience to realize what she can do and then do it.

At that time, the debt owed to Ikonn comes due.

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