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Phoenix Wright

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[OBJECTION!OOC] Contact the Roleplayer / Introduction [18 Aug 2008|07:09pm]
This is a fictional piece of work for the roleplay community [info]songoacademy. The character has been edited slightly to fit in a normal high school setting. Associated characters and trade marked objects are copyright CAPCOM. For more information on Phoenix Wright, visit his page on Wikipedia.

Graphics used in this journal are not for free use and you must request permission to use them elsewhere. This includes user icons, user profiles, graphics in entries, and journal layout. Feel free to leave your requests to this post.

Trolls will not be tolerated and either will be mocked at in-character or replies deleted/frozen/marked as spam.

Critique is always welcomed. Please feel free to shoot ideas at me on how to improve my character for the school setting.

Phoenix Wright is roleplayed by [info]ryuuichi for [info]songoacademy as of August 18th, 2008.
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