brianna a. sloper
12 October 1999 @ 04:12 pm
Little girl, I don't know why you stay If I had a feather for every time daddy said that I could fly away Old habits are so hard to break It'd be a shame to stop now that I've started to make really good mistakes
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brianna a. sloper
23 September 1984 @ 12:04 am
So, how's the weather in New Zealand this time of year?
brianna a. sloper
18 March 1983 @ 10:48 pm
brianna a. sloper
31 January 1983 @ 11:00 pm
If the Kestrels win the cup, I'm naming my kid Axebanger.
brianna a. sloper
24 July 1982 @ 05:38 pm
Well. No, it's cool this time.

I just figured out did something cool.