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[10 Sep 2010|11:26pm]


Ex-Elite Guard
Base Tamaranean Powers

genius tactician
Leader of The Reformation

Maxand'r was part of Blackfire's Elite Guard before she was defeated and Natand'r took over as the Ruler of Tamaran.  He's cold and calculating, and he hates Natand'r with a passion.  Maxand'r prefers not to fight himself, but is very capable when put in the situation.

Ex-Elite Guard
Base Tamaranean Powers

genius martial artist
Leader of The Legion

Casiand'r was part of Blackfire's Elite Guard before she was defeated and Natand'r took over as the Ruler of Tamaran.  She's a Blackfire loyalist and is literally in love with Blackfire.  She will do anything to put Blackfire in power again, even if it costs her her own life.

General of The Reformation
Base Tamaranean Powers

Marind'r is the twin sister of Miriand'r.  She is Maxand'r most trusted General.  She is highly skilled in combat and persuasion.  She is most known for her defiance of Blackfire, and recently of Natand'r.  She believes that Tamaran should be run by normal Tamaraneans, and not by deformed or half-Tamaraneans..

General of The Legion
Base Tamaranean Powers

Miriand'r is the twin sister of Marind'r.  She fell in love with Casiand'r and joined her cause.  Despite knowing she will never be with Casiand'r, she follows her every command with the utmost respect and fullest loyalty.

Elite Guard
Base Tamaranean Powers

Briand'r is one of Natand'r Elite Guard.  He is highly intelligent and respectable.  He is also Natand'r closest friend.  Briand'r provides Natand'r with his well of knowledge whenever needed.

General of The Reformation
Base Tamaranean Powers

Arand'r is the second General of The Reformation.  He is considered one of the deadliest assassins on Tamaran.

Elite Guard
Base Tamaranean Powers

Harold'r is another member of Natand'r Elite Guard.  He is close friends with Natand'r.  Harold'r is a highly trained martial artist and assassin.  He has easily foiled many attempts on Natand'r life by enacting a pre-emtive strike at the head of the problem.

General of The Reformation
Base Tamaranean Powers

Dand'r is yet another General of The Reformation.  He is skilled in combat and strategy, although Maxand'r outclasses his intelligence.  He is still very trustworthy and capable of providing insight where Maxand'r might not have looked.

General of The Legion
Base Tamaranean Powers

Harind'r is another General of The Legion, and the only male in the upper echelon of the organization.  He provides his strategical knowledge and insight for Casiand'r.  Although he is not much of a fighter, he is capable of defending himself to a degree.

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