I started watching a friend's children today. Well, more like Eric started watching them today. And I'm so freaking exhausted. The last week or so, I've been taking a nap between 1 and 5 (along with Raven), and last night I didn't get a lot of sleep because she kept waking up every 45 minutes. I couldn't do that, because I wasn't going to leave Eric alone with two boys he didn't even want *me* to babysit.
So I sat and watched them play the Wii all day. Sipping honeyed hot tea for caffine. Which did nothing but make my sleep deprived headache even worse. Now, here it is, almost 9 PM, I'm exhausted, but I'm addicted to Dinner:Impossible on the Food Network, and it's an all new episode in 10 minutes. I *have to watch*!!!
And if anyone is interested, January 24th starts the new season of Ace of Cakes (again on FN), they're doing cakes for the cast of Harry Potter. That's another show I've fallen in love with, and I will *definitely* be tuning in. LOL Ok, that is all, I'm off to lay on the couch and veg till after D:I.
Oh, one more thing. Ace of Cakes reruns, and LA Ink/Miami Ink, do not make a good thing to watch before bed. I kept having weird ass dreams last night about Kat VonD working at Charm City Cakes (AoC). And Duff getting his flaming whisk tattoo from Ami on MI. Ok, now that is all. I am so off. I'll update
babyandme tomorrow. I won't have to watch the boys again until Saturday @ 5:30 AM. (*dies*)
So I sat and watched them play the Wii all day. Sipping honeyed hot tea for caffine. Which did nothing but make my sleep deprived headache even worse. Now, here it is, almost 9 PM, I'm exhausted, but I'm addicted to Dinner:Impossible on the Food Network, and it's an all new episode in 10 minutes. I *have to watch*!!!
And if anyone is interested, January 24th starts the new season of Ace of Cakes (again on FN), they're doing cakes for the cast of Harry Potter. That's another show I've fallen in love with, and I will *definitely* be tuning in. LOL Ok, that is all, I'm off to lay on the couch and veg till after D:I.
Oh, one more thing. Ace of Cakes reruns, and LA Ink/Miami Ink, do not make a good thing to watch before bed. I kept having weird ass dreams last night about Kat VonD working at Charm City Cakes (AoC). And Duff getting his flaming whisk tattoo from Ami on MI. Ok, now that is all. I am so off. I'll update