Sasori Akasuna - February 25th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Sasori Akasuna

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February 25th, 2010

[ooc] zodiacal fun! [Feb. 25th, 2010|11:29 pm]

A while ago Alaina wrote up a compatibility list of everyone and it was awesome. Reading/talking about it made me dig up my favorite zodiac book and start peeking in at everyone's sign. This book is all about the more amusing, darkside of the zodiacs. The things people don't always want to remind the zodiacs when giving a basic description of it.

Amusingly enough, theres a shit ton of aquarius characters. Recommended procedure is to hide in a corner by the heater. Since they outnumber us, I'll start with them.

Aquarius - Shino, Tobi, Izuna, Obito, Mina, Gaara )
Leo - Sasuke, Kakuzu )
Capricorn - Hinata, Madara )
Scorpio - Hashi, Sasori )
Pisces - Kisame, Tenten )

Taurus - Deidara )

Sagittarius - Lee )

Libra - Naruto )

Gemini - Itachi )

Cancer - Kiba )

A lot of this stuff made me lawl a lot and I just wanted to share the fun ^^
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