ow, my brain - May 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 22nd, 2008

Sixteen Questions [May. 22nd, 2008|11:25 pm]
[Current Location |the living room]
[Current Music |"Enchanted," Patrick Wolf]

Micha posted this survey, so I'd like for you guys to fill it out, too! Be totally honest. Seriously, if I'm doing something that sucks, let me know! I want to be the best writer and RPer I can possibly be, so every little comment helps! I mean, outright flaming will probably make me cry, but constructive criticism is always a good thing!

1. Who are you?

2. Yay! How long have we been RPing together?

3. What was your first impression about our RPs? (IE, were you nervous, intimidated, disappointed, impressed, amused, annoyed?)

4. First characters we played together?

5. Most amusing scene from one of our RPs?

6. Most depressing?

7. Sappiest/most romantic?

8. Cutest couple from our RPs?

9. Cutest friends?

10. What's your favorite character that I play/have played? Why?

11. Least favorite? Why?

12. Something you'd like to RP/see happen in an RP with me at some point (no matter how random!)?

13. Name a song that reminds you of one of our couples/one of my characters and why you chose it.

14. Anything in particular that makes my style of RPing stand out from others'?

15. Anything I could improve on?

16. Character of mine you'd like to see more of?
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