ow, my brain - May 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 31st, 2008

charles' favorites and stuff [May. 31st, 2008|03:14 am]
[Current Location |bedroom]
[Current Mood |drained]
[Current Music |"Augustine," Patrick Wolf]

color: plum
song: right now? uhhh... "paris" by patrick wolf
drink: ginger ale - he has a thing for the bubbles
band: just one? franz ferdinand. He has a crush on nick mccarthy.
movie: any hitchcock really. psycho is really good, artistically. plus janet leigh got what was coming to her.
place: his window seat at home. in pierian? he's very fond of his dorm room.
body part: hands, eyes
book: he really likes the chronicles of narnia. never mind that he's in the same grade as c. s. lewis. it's all fantastical but so based in morality and religion. he finds that really interesting.
food: healthyish food? a good salmon steak. junk food? he really loves poutine. like, a lot.
eating utensil: this is a stupid question, he says.

color: pink
song: "stacy's mom" by fountains of wayne. qu'est-ce que c'est le point?
drink: dr. pepper
band: fall out boy, etc. he likes good music.
movie: garden state. so pretentious. sooooo pretentious.
place: his old school.
body part: feet. they're too bony.
book: zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. who gives a fuck? i mean really.
food: mayonnaise. and sweet pickles.
eating utensil: hands
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