ow, my brain - June 11th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 11th, 2008

more memes (who'd'a thunk it?) [Jun. 11th, 2008|07:53 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |living room]
[Current Mood |geeky]
[Current Music |"Hotel Song," Regina Spektor]

Comment on this entry with one (or more) of my characters and a category (or more than one, if you like), and I'll reply with my top 10. Anything (conceivably) goes, i.e. books, punctuation marks, designers, beverages, etc.


Comment on this entry with a character and three prompts - a noun, an adjective, and a verb - and I'll write a little drabble about it.
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