ow, my brain - September 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 4th, 2008

we all live in a yellow submarine [Sep. 4th, 2008|11:45 pm]
[Current Location |SM/201]
[Current Mood |tired]
[Current Music |"Friday I'm In Love," The Cure]

Wowww, sorry my life has been like this giant pit of busy lately. And that I fail at checking Scribbld. Also, is it weird that when I sneeze it makes my gums feel ticklish?

Moving on.

Comment with one of my characters (past or present) and I will tell you the following:

1. What initially prompted me to like the character enough to write about him/her.
2. One of his/her best traits.
3. One of his/her worst traits.
4. How easy/difficult I find it to write the character.
5. The story/thread/chapter/post/paragraph/tag/phrase where I feel that I truly captured the character.
6. My plans for the character in the near future. (In the case of previous characters, this question reads as "what I planned to do with them.")
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