I've lost so much along the way -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am

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029; I could never be the same ... [11 May 2009|12:09am]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Red - Lost ]

I'm here again
A thousand miles away from you
A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am
I tried so hard
Thought I could do this on my own
I've lost so much along the way

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030; The combination has been changed. [11 May 2009|12:16am]
[ music | Pink - Ave Mary A ]

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If the darkest hour comes
Before the light
Where is the light?
Where is the light?

If the darkest hour comes
Before the light
Where is the light?
Where is the light?
Where is the light, yeah

Friending Expectations )
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[ viewing | May 11th, 2009 ]
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