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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [13 Feb 2013|08:49pm]
Max Szasz- Q

L1- Dragon Style Combo- Single Target unarmed melee attack. Cause combo setup.

L2- Crossbow Bolt- Single target ranged attack. Causes bleeding.

L6- Scilian's Combat- Single target unarmed melee attack. Exploits combo setup.

L9-Inquisitive mind- Max's next attack are guaranteed to hit and crit. Puts targeted on target opponent.
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Five Pillars of Blood [04 Apr 2011|10:37am]
Goals: Cain created the Five Pillars of Blood back when his father was still in power as a personal side project with his fathers approval. Basing the members on the Five Pillars of Blood in the Crime Bible he recruited and had trained through various means four member of the group, Deceit, Greed, Lust, and Murder. He has yet to make the last pillar Faithless. He has plans to fill the position though, he wants to capture a Super Hero who does not believe in the Religion of Crime and warp them through various means till he have the hero completely under his control and faithful.

The Five Pillars currently act as Cain's enforcers with him sending them to help out where ever they might be needed. This group it the one that Cain typically uses to deal with super threats.












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Lessons not Learned [31 Mar 2011|03:03pm]
1. During one of his own investigations Max finds out the Intergang is up to something big but just what he is unable to figure out. The only way it seems to get this information is to get closer to Intergang most likely by infiltration.

2. Deciding to do this Max start working out the plans for this himself. But knows he’s definitely going to need some back up and support for this. Max decided to talk to his Dad about it. Since Charlie has his hands full with Hub City as he and Helena are basicly the only experienced heroes in the city Charlie recommends Max talk to Renee Montoya.

3. Due to her own History with Intergang Renee agree to help him with this taking some time off from being Gotham’s Police Chief to do so. Max then fashions a new identity for him to use why he goes undercover as Franco Asaro one of the last surviving members of the Sicilian Asaro Assassin family figuring that would be good bait in addition to a good cover. He starts to get himself connected to Intergang to slowly figure out what’s going on while Renee helps.

4. About this time the Outsiders would have noticed that they have not seen Q in a while and those that play close attention to the streets and it’s rumor’s while have heard about an Asaro supposedly in town and connections to Intergang. The Team can also start causing trouble for Intergang.

5. Having attracted the good attentions of Cain, he lets Max know that he needs to do something to prove himself to really move up and ask him to kill one of the members of the Outsiders.

6. This leads to a fight between some Intergang members plus Max vs the Outsiders where Max seemingly kills one of the Outsiders though really just slipped them something to make them seem dead and leaves them there.

7. The team starts to realize something is really up especially when their team member recovers from the seeming dead. They may start making some connections with all of this to Max, Q, the Assassin and Intergang but don’t quite get the full picture yet.

8. Cain tells Max that was a job well done but he’s not quite convinced just yet. He then asks Max to do something that a True follower of the Crime Bible would have no trouble with leading to his capture Cain doesn’t kill him yet because he’s curious about all of this and this seems to relate to a prophecy in the crime bible(most likely another Faceless prophecy).

9. When Max fails to check in with Renee. She immediately knows something is up and goes to the Outsiders telling them everything because as she puts it there is no way in hell she’s telling Helena she lost her son.

10. Using the information Renee provides them the Outsiders attack Intergang’s headquarters in Star City. Max uses the confusion to escape and see if he can get any information on what they were planning. He doesn’t get much information but does find out whatever they are planning involves Hub City, Gotham, and Metropolis and It seems to be a bigger operation than even he realized.
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Intergang NPCs [31 Mar 2011|01:44pm]

Cain Mannheim

PB: Tim Paine

History: The son of Bruno Mannheim, Cain was born specifically for the purpose of being the new leader of Intergang and leader of the Religion of Crime when his father died. As such Cain was raised and indoctrinated in the Religion of Crime since birth, he is extremely cruel and a sadist. Feeling that his father had gotten weak with age and no longer willing to wait for him to die for him to be able to take over Cain killed his father using the original crime bible to bash his head in, in the most pure example of the sacred act of murder. While he does do some work for Darkseid Cain focuses more strongly about spreading the religion of crime especially in third world countries where people are more desperate while causing horror and destruction in the USA and other first world countries. He also in on a personal crusade to find the current bearer of the Mark of Cain so that he can force them to give the mark to him so that he can have all the power that comes with it and the sacred glory of possessing it.

Skills: Cain is a brilliant and sick minded person. He can be an extremely charming and charismatic figure at one moment and a cruel and utterly violent killer the next. His knowledge of torture and murder is well beyond his years having been trained in it since birth and honestly has no value of human life what so ever. His is a brilliant criminal mastermind though tends to take religious overtones in the crimes he orders to be committed. He takes a perverse pleasure in killing or perverting to his way of thinking those of great faith especially religious figures. Cain also has access to Apokolips technology which he can use and has been trained with. He is also a skilled combatant as required of him in order to maintain leadership over Intergang and can generally keep up with a very skilled fighter for a while.

Brother Styx- Gabriel Lynx

PB: Allan Hawkco

History: Gabriel is one of the closest people to Cain and was on hand when he killed his father. He has served as Cain’s right hand since they were children. Gabriel does not shared Cain’s fanatical devotion to the Religion of Crime but does see it as a useful tool. Gabriel tends to take a more traditional view to running Intergang as a criminal empire and is often the one behind these more traditional crimes that one would associate with a criminal empire.

Skills: Gabriel takes a very practical and down to earth view of running Intergang. He is much more like a traditional gangster leader in his views and methods. He is a very loyal and faithful second in command to Cain and deals with the stuff that Cain does not want to deal with or thinks they don’t need to deal with. He is a hands-on leader and likes to lead by example. He is a fairly skilled shot and a decent hand to hand fighter but with him the greatest threat comes from the fact that he rarely ever works alone and often keeps quite a few guys around him working for him. Gabriel also knows where all the groups warehouses of Apokolips technology are and can easily get access to them if he needs to to supply his men or himself if he is expecting heavy superhero involvement.

Sister Acheron- Clare Miller

PB: Amy Hixson

History: Clare’s parents where both members of a rival criminal empire that stood in Intergangs way. After Intergang destroyed that group all the survivors and their families were gathered and offered to convert to Intergang and the religion of crime or else. Clare’s parents choose or else. They were both killed horribly and eaten by Bruno and Clare would have been so herself to make an example for the others and their families had fortune not shined upon her. Her would be killer was struck by lighting and nearly killed though Clare in anger finished the job. Bruno took this as a sign and had her indoctrinated in the Religion of Crime and trained to be a master of torture. Desaad even took an interest in her training and even helped in that regard. After Cain took over Clare became his master of torture for whenever he had need or it. They have also been known to sleep together from time to time as part of the principle of Lust in the Crime Bible and do seem to enjoy each other company.

Skills: Cruel and emotionless Clare is a master of pain and torture having been taught by Desaad himself. She is even better at it than Cain is which is really saying something. In a fight Clare does not seem like much but due to her skill at torture she can very quickly and easily cause devastating damage to an unprepared opponent. That being said she prefer not to enter the battlefield unless she a absolutely has too.

Brother Lethe- Joseph Hardaway

PB: Karl Urban

History: Joseph was a young mid-level member of one of the Gotham crime families till he got busted by the Gotham police surprisingly without any help from the capes in the city. While most of the higher level and mid-level guys got off scot-free even still, Joseph was used as a sacrificial lamb to do so and was sentenced to several decades in jail. His cell mate was a member of Intergang and a follower of the Religion of Crime and introduced him to it. It made all the sense in the world to him and when some of the bigger name criminals made a big escape attempt Joseph along with his cellmate quietly sneak off as well. Joseph then joined Intergang as a devoted follower of the Crime Bible quickly raising through the ranks and becoming a preacher of his new Religion. When Cain made his rather violent take over Joseph supported him in this and got him the Crime Bible for him to use. In reward for this Cain made Joseph the head recruiter and indoctrinator in Intergang and its philosophy. Since then Joseph has been doing a lot of work in the third world countries recruiting people.

Skills: Joseph is very skilled at getting into people’s heads and picking at just the right thing to get the reaction he wants out of people or leading them down the path he wants them to go. He has also developed a talent at brainwashing people which he puts to good use for Intergang. He has some skill as fighting but typically likes to let the people he’s converted and/or brainwashed into fighting for him. He also has access to Apokolips technology if he needs it.

Brother Phlegethon- Daniel Rimbauer

PB: Jake Abel

History: Daniel was once a pious member of the church and brother of the Franciscan order, until Cain got a hold of him. Cain tortured him for weeks quoting the crime bible as he did so warping his mind till he became putty in Cain’s hands which the then worked into recreating him as Brother Phlegethon. Cain was going to just kill him after breaking Daniel’s belief in god but after finding out about his meta-human power found other uses for him. Daniel then became Cain’s chief agent of destruction.

Skills: Daniel is a high level Pyrokinetic meta-human who is all but immune to the highest of heats and hottest of flames. He is a fanatically devoted follower of the religion of crime but still has strong connections to the Catholic Church that he can use if he wants and often still likes to dress and pretend to be a Franciscan monk. Daniel since joining Intergang has since been taught to use his powers of destruction and to fight and has also learned a lot about explosives. He has since taken to training a band of devoted Intergang member to work for him and are often called in when Cain wants to take someone or something out with a bang.

Sister Cocytus

History: Sister Cocytus is a Banshee of unknown origins and even her true name is unknown. She joined up with Intergang for unknown reasons back when Bruno was in power working as an assassin for the gang and also seems surprisingly knowledgeable of the Religion of Crime and the Crime Bible. After Cain killed Bruno, Cocytus and him had a long and private talk that not even Gabriel know what it was about. But afterwards she became a completely loyal assassin to Cain and was also made by Cain the keeper and guardian of the original Crime Bible. She is not called on to do missions by Cain too often but when he does it’s typically something big and she has not failed him yet in one of these missions.

Skills: Cocytus is thought to be very old though how old exactly is unknown and has the wisdom and experience than comes with that age. Cocytus has the standard powers of a Banshee, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Durability, Death Wail that can kill anyone she knows the true identity of, teleportation, and Longevity. Cocytus can’t be reasoned with and seems to be completely devoted to the Religion of Crime.
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Project 13 [26 Dec 2010|01:46pm]
Project 13 is a rouge Government Agency working in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Some of the robots have got out of their control and escaped and the are currently working on trying to get them back.

Project 13

Name: Marion Monet

History: Marion is the head of Project 13. She is very good at her job and wants to use the tech that she helped create with the project to take over the world but unfortunately for her most of the robots have escaped and left her with very little to use for her plans. She has since began work to attempt to recapture the robots.

Abilities: Marion is a brilliant business woman and scientist. She also has access to state of the art weapons which she is not afraid to use on anyone who gets in her way.

Name: Zach Brandon

History: Zach is the head of security for Project 13. While he and most of the higher up think he is very good at his job he really isn't and is probably the reason why the robots where able to escape. Most of the other member of security know this and try to cover for him as not to have things get worse. Zach is a complete womanizer and will attempt to flirt badly with any woman he thinks he can get away with doing that to which is most of them.

Abilities: Zach as some combat training and access to state of the art weaponry.

Robots in Project 13's Control

Name: Lifter

History: Lifter was Project 13's attempt to make an all purpose robot. However due to the evolvions in his AI he is considered a failure as he is extremely lazy, does not like to follow orders, and is highly prone to vice. Still he does have his uses which is why they keep him around. It is though that the only reason why he didn't escape with the others is because he was to lazy to do so.

Abilities: Lifter can lift 100 tons and is extremely durable. He can operate parts of his body when broke apart separately. However is extremely lazy which cuts into his effectiveness

Name: Stabby

History: Stabby was an experimental project to see if they could build a criminally insane robot. The project was a success though Stabby thinks it failed. Stabby mainly for distractions since he is incapable of doing real work for Project 13 due to his insanity

Abilities: Stabby can lift roughly 10 tons. Due to his insanity he can't be hacked or controlled by anyone other than Project 13. Stabby is moderately skilled with knives which is his weapon of choice

Robots out of Project 13's Control

Name: Robo-Santa



Name: Devilbot


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Twas the Night Before Chrismas [21 Oct 2010|06:50pm]
1. Max starts telling the Outsiders about his theory of an evil government agency trying to make a Robo-Santa that they can control to replace the real Santa. Of course none of the Outsiders believe him.

2. Max is of course right and when they decide to test Robo-Santa in Star City it goes crazy and starts attacking everyone with Christmas themed weapons.

3. One or more the Outsiders can run into Robo-Santa while out on patrol and sees that Max was right. If they try to fight Robo-Santa by themselves they will lose and be forced to retreat.

4. Once they get back to the base a call is sent out for all the Outsiders to come and figure out what to do. As they are discussing it Robo-Santa comes down the chimney and attacks them possibly with the help of an evil giant teddy bear or two for a tough fight.

5. Once defeated the evil agency will get the robo-santa back where they plan to fix it up for next year.
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On the Edge [18 Apr 2010|11:21pm]

“On the Edge” Tentative title would like a better one.


- Helena, Max’s mom, meets with Max and decides to give him an important family heirloom from her side of the family a signet ring that has been in her family for generations.

In (Gotham)

-The Mafia boss of (Gotham) breaks the forbidden rules of the Mafia (Stealing, brazen Cop killing, and Kidnapping)

-Max and others catches on to these crimes and do a preliminary investigation.

-Max and anyone else investigation bring up what’s happening to the other outsiders who then decide to do something about it.

-Two pronged attack one team attempts to take down the boss and his goons while the other team looks for evidence and rescues any kidnapping victims.

-While most of the goons are taken down, the victims are rescued, and a lot of damning evidence is found, however the Boss escapes back to Italy and into hiding.

-A bit later rumors are heard of a meeting of the main Mafia family heads which the boss will be attending and wants to use to escape the heroes for good by using the other bosses powers to go into hiding forever.

In Venice

-Meeting of the heads of the main Mafia Families meeting in Venice. The security is too tight for the Outsiders to get into without setting of alarms and alerting everyone.

-Max figures out how he could get them in there without much trouble but to do so requires that he reveal his identity. How he would get them in is by using his status as the heir of a former big family to simply walk in as he has the right to.

-Uses the Bertinelli signet ring to prove his claim. Max has to walk in without costume and mask in nice suit other may have to not wear costumes though still wear masks.

-Once in the meeting Outsiders plead their case to the Heads of the mafia families.

-It is decided that the only way to decide this case is a trial by fire in which the outsiders minus Max fight the boss’s five best men whoever wins the most fights is decided to be truthful and proven correct.

-Outsiders win the most fights and are proven correct then the boss is severely punished for his actions and Outsiders go home. (Depending on things may have the boss challenge make to a duel of honor after he loses the fights in a final attempt to save himself)

-Depending on what we want to happen Max could be given control of the old bosses parts of the city by the leaders for his decisive victory something Max does not want and will probably not do anything with. This also puts Max and the Outsiders on the organized crime radar something they probably and in Max’s case definitely do not want.

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[25 Feb 2010|01:57am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Maxwell “Max” Ezio Szasz
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Max is 6’ 3” and 175 lbs. Max has dark brown hair and when in costume it turns strawberry blonde and he has blue eyes. Max typically dress casually when not in costume.
Age: 18
Birthday: June 17
Codename (if using one): Q
PB: (If using one.) Cory Monteith
Abilities: Genius-Level Intellect, World Class detective, Marital arts training, Master of Disguise, Highly Skilled with Crossbow and a few other weapons, can speak Italian and French fluently and is passable in several other languages
Weaknesses and flaws: Paranoia, may at times seem insane, and is a normal human

Character location/Home: college in Gotham / from Hub City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: None
Relatives (living/dead?): Charles Victor Szasz aka Question (father), Helena Rosa Bertnelli aka Huntress(Mother)

Backstory: Max’s parents met while working together in the Justice League after working together and secretly dating for several years they eventually got married in secret. While some of the other members might have suspected their relationship they were all shocked when they finally revealed that they were married and had decided to leave the League for more low key work in Hub City because Helena was pregnant. Huntress took leave from being a hero will Max was young to raise him but would still do work with Question has time permitted. For day jobs Question went back to his reporter roots and Huntress became an English Teacher again.

As Max grew older and started showing an interest in the family business both Question and Huntress started training him in their perspective areas of expertise. Much to the surprise of his parents he showed surprising aptitude in all the skill they could teach him. By the time that Max reached high school his parents had all but retired from heroics only occasionally doing stuff when it seemed absolutely necessary, however they had all but cleaned up the streets of Hub City bring the city from almost rivaling Gotham City in corruption to being more like Metropolis. However a side effect of his parents training and his how he was raised made him quite paranoid.

Max is currently going to college in Gotham City, were he has recently started doing some crime fighting of his own using a the same faceless mask that his dad was famous for, the chemicals that adhere the mask also changes his hair color to a strawberry blonde, and for a costume he simply dresses athletically it has also been treated in such a way that it changes from light to dark in a similar manner as his hair. If he is feeling especially theatrical he might leave behind a calling card with his busted crooks, a business card that when touched emits a smoky Q. Due to his paranoid Max is very secretive about his identity and can at times a conspiracy theory buff.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: College student at a university in Gotham who has started fighting crime.
What are you planning to do with this character? Not sure yet probably team up with some of the heroes around Gotham.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: See him mature as a hero and a person and see how others deal with his slight crazyness.

Please include a sample post/scene

Max had finished up his class work for the night and was preparing to go out on a patrol. He had a dorm room all to himself apparently his last roommate though he was insane and requested a transfer after being there a couple of days. This was odd because Max was certain that he had been restraining most of his crazy he hadn’t even told him about the truth behind fluoride in toothpaste.

However this suited him just fine he preferred to have a room to himself and it made it easier for his crime fighting as he could worry less about someone stumbling on too his gear. He had several crossbows, a few pistols, a staff, a couple knives and a mag hook for his crime fight gear and then there were the chemical he had to make for his mask and color changing. While some people might say that doing all of that to hide his identity was obsessive and unnecessary Max did not think that way at all.

Once he had all the supplies that he thought he would need for the night he head out of his dorm and started looking around for an empty alleyway were he could transform into his costume.

After finding a suitable location and triple checking to make sure that no one was watching Max pulled out his mask and using one hand to place the mask on his face and using the other to release the gas cloud that would seal the mask to his face and change the color of his clothes and hair.

Now that his he had got himself into his Q costume Max grabbed his Mag Hook and fired it up to take himself up to the roof tops to get a better view for his patrol.

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