I love you. It's as simple and as complicated as that.

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Definition of a Girl

Heart On

Hillary: Hil-la-ry (n.) a.k.a Hillz. Hilly. Dabu. T.J. She wears her heart on her sleeve. Cries at a drop of a hat. She's silly. She's random. Says whatever comes to her head. Her boyfriend thinks she's a doofus. She is ok with that. She loves her boyfriend more than anything. One day at a time. Friends rock her world. So does her Mommy. Isn't found watching the newer shows on TV as much as the old shows from yesteryear. Sometimes found with a nose buried in a book or playing with kids on the job. Enjoys sleep but doesn't get much of it because of said jobs. She is confused sometimes. Complex even. Despite it all...loved. Go figure :P


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1. Are you a child of the 70's 80's or 90's?
80's!!!! Born in 1985!

2. Where were you born?
Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington D.C.

3. If you were born in another country how old were you when you came here?
I was born here - it would be cool to be from another country.

4. What city did you grow up in?
Silver Spring, Maryland.

5. Did you enjoy your childhood?
For the most part I did :)

6. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet and a writer.

7. What was your favorite toy when you were little?
Barbies! Between my cousin and I, we had to have had at least 20 barbies! We'd take them to our grandmother's place and just play for hours.

8. Name the first memorable vacation you took as a kid.
Hmm. Probably Ocean City, MD

9. What was your first best friend's name?
Esther and Shira. We used to be inseperable. Now we're simply facebook friends.

10. Are they still your best friend?
No, I switched schools the summer of 3rd grade and lost contact with them until the invention of facebook rofl

11. If not, who are your best friends now?
Lina, Eva, Jon

12. How did you meet this person/people?
Hahaha. Lina I met in 7th grade because I was walking home with one girl and she said let's wait for Lina because she lived in the same neighborhood. Eva I met in 7th grade in 7th pd life science class. Jon I met my sophomore year of college, we were friends with benefits for a long time and ended up falling in love with each other - dating now for a little over a year :)

13. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?
Hebrew Day School of Montgomery County
Beverly Farms Elementary
Kemp Mill Elementary
Colonel E. Brooke Lee Middle School
John F. Kennedy HS
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

14. Who was your first crush?
Hmm. So my best friend in second grade had a crush on this kid Eli in our class...so I ended up with a little crush on him too. But I'd say my first real one was in the 3rd grade - he was so cute - his name was Kiran and I had the hugest crush on him. I still have the valentine he gave me hanging on my mirror to this day.

15. Were you a shy, quiet kid or a very wild and roudy kid?
Pretty shy - I used to read a lot.

16. When you were little what did you do for fun?
Played a lot of barbies. Used to ride my bike in the neighborhood and hang out with the neighborhood kids climbing trees, doing arts and crafts, play board games, or play a lot of dress up with my mom's best friend's daughter.

17. Were you closer to your Mom or Dad as a kid?
Daddy's girl but I was very attached as well to my mommy.

18. Do you have any embarrassing school stories to share?
Hmmm...last day of 4th grade, I walked into a door and ended up with a bloody nose. I was sooo embarrassed but that summer I ended up transferring schools anyways cuz we moved so I never saw those people again lol.

19. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
Boyz II Men!!!!!

20. How old did you want to be when you got married?
Never planned that out.

21. How old to have kids?
Same as above.

22. Were you scared of anything?
Not really.

23. What was your favorite class in school?
Art. Social Studies. Reading.

24. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?

25. Broke any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
Nope *knocks on wood*

26. Favorite board game of all time?

27. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
Played house :)

28. Random memory from when you were a kid?
I remember my first day of kindergarten and I was drawing a picture. I drew a sky, sun, flowers, grass, a girl, and a little ghost thing. My teacher asked me what the ghost thingie was and I answered that it was G-d to which my teacher then explained that G-d is everywhere and you can't see Him but you know he's there.

29. Seriously...are you still just a kid at heart?
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