I love you. It's as simple and as complicated as that.

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Definition of a Girl

Heart On

Hillary: Hil-la-ry (n.) a.k.a Hillz. Hilly. Dabu. T.J. She wears her heart on her sleeve. Cries at a drop of a hat. She's silly. She's random. Says whatever comes to her head. Her boyfriend thinks she's a doofus. She is ok with that. She loves her boyfriend more than anything. One day at a time. Friends rock her world. So does her Mommy. Isn't found watching the newer shows on TV as much as the old shows from yesteryear. Sometimes found with a nose buried in a book or playing with kids on the job. Enjoys sleep but doesn't get much of it because of said jobs. She is confused sometimes. Complex even. Despite it all...loved. Go figure :P

randommm, but who did you like on so you think you can dance? either last season or all seasons, whatever. personally, i'll name them all-

1: blake mcgrath. <333333 favorite dancer and choreographer ever.

2: ashlee nino and ben susack. also, natalie and travis, my first two favorites everrr. oh, and allison and ivan. i love trivallie (in case you don't know: travis + ivan + alli + natalie).

3: i really like them all but especially lauren gottlieb!!! lawk (lacey and hok <33333 they're not dating anymore though ]:), shameron (shauna and kameron!), jaimie goodwin. i really like em all though. oh, and jessi peralta. the ones i named are basically my faves.

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