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[Feb. 16th, 2009|06:25 pm]
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Okay... so fuck the rest of the shit about Friday the 13th. The rest of the movies past 4 suck, with the exception of six and a few parts of seven. 8 is awful, even though it did spawn my idea for the most random music video of all time. 9 barely features Jason, as he's body hopping as a demon worm most of the time. Jason X.... I appreciated that it's not taking itself seriously, and really, they're not taking themselves seriously, but once Uber Jason showed up, it all went to shit. Freddy vs Jason was... okay. I wish Kane Hodder came back to play Jason. Ken Kirzinger was good as stoic, physically imposing Jason, but the depth and emotion Hodder gave the character is unsurpassable. Almost until now.

Kyle and I caught the 4:10 showing of the new Friday the 13th. I went into it with an open mind, because I'd heard both good and bad things about it. I figured it couldn't be any worse than some of the worst of the series. Besides, aside from the Amityville Horror remake, Michael Bay's production company can actually pull off decent remakes.

So the first few minutes of the film show, essentially, the end of the first movie, with the death of Mrs. Voorhees. Then it shows Jason, picking up a locket his mother had, and grabbing the murder weapon (a machete), and stalking off into the forest. They don't really show much of Jason, just a hand or leg. It's a given that he's a young boy, deeply affected by the loss of his mother, so he decides revenge is the only way to go. Then it shows a bunch of hippie kids travelling into the woods, looking for a pot stash. One guy finally finds it, as the others are off screwing around with their girlfriends, and runs into Jason, who's all grown up now. He's got a burlap sack over his head, a la the second film, but he looks much more imposing now. After one kid gets caught in a beartrap, he hangs a girl by her sleeping bag over the fire. Impressive. The kid in the beartrap winds up getting a machete in his skull in a rather visceral scene. The other two explore Jason's home, and we're left to assume they're all dead.

After that, the film establishes the main characters, a bunch of party-kids and a few girls, as well as a rugged loner looking for his missing sister (who was one of the five in the opening scene). Generally, they establish the general range of characters you'd expect to see in a horror movie. The ignorant, dumb jock, the skanky girlfriend, the smart, sensible girl, the token ethnic characters, and the few minor characters that don't hold any real significance. There are some impressive deaths that pay tribute to some of the more iconic deaths of the series.

Derek Mears, the guy who plays Jason, is absolutely amazing. He's HUGE, physically imposing, and very ominous when he needs to be. The scene were he acquires the hockey mask is AWESOME. It kinda reminds me of the scene in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, where Leatherface puts the skinmask on, and kinda checks himself out in the mirror. They also do a nice job of never showing Jason's face in full. The scene where the burlap sack gets ripped off of his head is the first time, and we only get a very brief flash of it before he kills the guy, realizes the sack is ripped apart, and finds the hockey mask. The second time is the end, where he gets thrown into the water, and you see his face for a brief second as he submerges. They teased it towards the end as well, when he's grabbing a girl's leg, and she starts kicking at his face, but they don't get the mask off.

The film is far from perfect, however. There's a lot of predictable moments, and while there's tons of sex, which is staple for a slasher film, it's drawn out for too long in this. Though Jason staring through the window at a couple having sex is hilarious. 
If I can remember anything else about the movie, I'll add it later. Gonna go raid in World of Warcraft.

From: [info]archangel
2009-02-17 07:31 pm (UTC)

character thingy


Edmund Fair

Sex: Male
2. Age:
Height/Weight: 5’11, 150 pounds.
Coloring: Dark hair and eyes, yellow-pale skin.
Demeanor: Unsure of himself, but not intimidated. Takes things as they are.
Appearance: Edmund is decent-looking. He doesn’t put much thought into his appearance, and for the most part it shows. Beyond that he’s approachable, if not somewhat ambivalent.
Defects: None that hinder anything.
Heredity: Edmund doesn’t know much about this at all.

Class: Middle.
Occupation: Unemployed.
Education: Edmund finished highschool, but didn’t progress very far beyond that. It wasn’t necessarily that he didn’t enjoy his classes, only that personal interests always seemed to get in the way. He was always thought of as fairly bright by his teachers, and was well known in the science/mathematics department. For the most part he also got fairly decent grades, but tended to find the daily grind extremely frustrating. This never changed.
Home Life: Edmund was raised by both parents, though neither took an active interest in his life. Both being only children, he was also never exposed to larger family life. After highschool he sort of left to seek his fortune, tired of being pushed toward certain prospects, and for the most part his parents followed suit. He does keep in contact, but doesn’t consider them a very important piece of his life at the moment.
Religion: Raised Roman Catholic, but could really care less.
Race/Nationality: Both parents are American, but his father is from a Scottish background and his mother was some sort of odd mix Edmund can’t be bothered to remember. This probably says enough about his racial pride.
Place in Community: This is almost laughable. Edmund is still in a phase where ‘participating’ is uncool, having never really grown out of his highschool biases. Among his friends he’s known as a deep thinker, an interesting character, but by no means is he the center of attention.
Political Affiliations: Edmund knows who the president is, but that’s about it. He tends to favor the popular opinion.
Amusements, hobbies: Loves science, automobiles. One of those guys who is really into reading about things and knows an extensive amount about random subjects, but has actually experienced very little. For the most part he occupies his time with random and somewhat meaningless projects, and hopes that if he spends enough time with his friends their success will rub off on him. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend more than anything, and will often drop whatever he’s doing in favor of her.
From: [info]archangel
2009-02-17 07:31 pm (UTC)

Re: character thingy


Sex life, moral standards: When it comes to his own morality, Edmund is often very capricious. There are few things he firmly stands by, and even those never remain so for long. He has a habit of second-guessing rights and wrongs, and can justify mostly anything. As for sex: he enjoys it, and when out of a commited relationship doesn’t think of it as particularly important. He doesn’t much care what other people do as long as it doesn’t directly affect him.
Personal premise, ambition: Sort of on hold at the moment, which is kind of a theme with Edmund. In the future he would like to get back on his feet, break into some industry and make a name for himself. At the moment he is really only interested in his relationship with Poppy, and hopefully keeping a place in her life regardless of the fact that he is essentially has nothing to offer.
Frustrations, chief disappointments: Surprisingly, Edmund is not completely frustrated with his current position in life. The things that upset him most tend to be small and easily fixed. Though he is often deep in thought, it seems that his feelings are more directly tied with the physical world around him, and interactions with others. Edmund will never be completely annoyed at himself, for example, if someone doesn’t hint that he should be. He tends to think of his own personage as an extension of those around him, and becomes the most upset when a relationship appears to be changing or becoming less important. More than anything, to the people that mean the most to him, Edmund wants to be just as meaningful.
Temperament: For the most part, Edmund is extremely easygoing. He tends to go with the flow when it comes to most anything. In desperate or aggravated situations, however, he becomes unpredictable.
Attitudes toward life: Certainly resigned, for the moment. He takes on an observer’s perspective rather than someone directly involved.
Complexes: Probably several dozen, but none are visible. It’s easy to tell Edmund isn’t always all there, but its hard to place your thumb on why because even those are such muted qualities. He isn’t superstitious in the least, could care less about tradition, and his only phobia is of mirrors. In essence: even the things that make Edmund tick seem to have no context anywhere.
Abilities: He picks up things easily, and sorts through problems very quickly on paper. Impressive at memorization. Physically adept, fast runner. Good organizational skills. Can put up with almost anything. Extremely observant, though whether he puts what he observes to any use is questionable.
Qualities: Honest and trustworthy to match, quiet, openminded, decent eye for color. Good at knowing who he can trust. Wellspoken, sincere. Unassuming.
IQ of 115.