A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - Seperate this body from my mind... [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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Seperate this body from my mind... [Apr. 23rd, 2009|02:44 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]realhorrorshow
2009-04-24 04:17 pm (UTC)


1. I added you because you seemed really cool. And I was right haha.

2. I can associate like, 9 songs with you. Like A Boss, I'm On A Boat, Jizz In My Pants (honestly, that entire album, since that as such a huge conversation piece at one point), Sleepyhead.

3. You're really good with helping me not go insane/cheering me up all the time haha.

4. For some reason, that Jet Li line always cracks me up.

5. Uhm. If you could do the whole dinner with 5 people, living or dead thing, who would it be?

6. The gas mask one.
From: [info]archangel
2009-04-24 07:56 pm (UTC)


1. yayy :3 why thank you.
2. I'm very happy to be associated with music.
3. D:D:D: now i'm the one trying not to go insane ... or i guess we're going insane together, either/or.
4. ME TOO ! >>' it's in my profileee.
5. Josef Mengele, Meriwether Lewis, Thom Yorke, Vladimir Nabokov, and John Locke.
