
March 28th, 2010

Bedtime Story @ 02:41 am

"Den, Marie Jolie, she come to de edge o' de bayou, and she start ta cry, 'cause she know she ain't never got de stregnth to get 'round it, an' if she try ta swim it, dem gators dey eat her fo' sho'." Rene was in full Cajun mode. It was a Cajun story, so it was easier to tell in the right accent, plus the little girl in the cell on his right and the little boys in the cells across from him seemed to like it. It made them giggle. Extra bonus, for some reason it really annoyed the big cat man who was walking the perimeter of the cells that night.

"What did she do?" asked Taylor, the little boy across and to the left of him. At least Rene thought he was a boy. He was partly made of fog, so it was a tough call.

"Well, you know, one o' dem gators, he swim right up ta her and he pull his two arms outta de water and he cross dem right on de land, like he settlin' in fo' a long chat. Marie Jolie say, 'Please, please, monsieur Gator, don' eat me. I wouldn't be disturbin' you at all, but de devil hisself is chasing me!'

'De devil hisself?' de gator say, 'well, looks like you got a choice to make, you. You can climb up here on my back, an' I'll take you right 'cross dis bayou, me. An you get away from dat devil, or you sit right dere and wait fer him to get you.'

'How I know you not gonna eat me soon as we get out in de middle o' de bayou?' Marie Jolie asked.

'I promise I won',' de gator sighed long and deep, 'guess you just haveta trust me on dat, chere.'

Marie Jolie t'ought she heard a sound behind her an' she jumped up on dat gator's back quicker den a blink! And de gator, he did jus' like he said. Dropped her off on de other side and tol' her just which way to run to find de nearest church.

Den dat ol' gator turn around an he see de devil. Now de devil, he don' like water, so he was jumpin' up and down and jus' havin' hisself a full out conniption! So Gator, he swim hisself over ta dat devil, and he give him de same choice he gave Marie Jolie. Devil thought he too big and powerful to ever get tricked, so he jump right up on dat gator's back. Gator swim him out to the deepest part o' de bayou, whip 'round real fast and grab dat devil leg in him mout' and ate him right down! And dat was de end o' dat."

"How could an alligator eat the devil?" A cynical woman in a cell on the other side of the little girl spat out.

'Thanks a lot, you're being an enormous help, seriously' Rene thought to himself. "'pparently you never been to de bayou, madame, 'cause I will tell you what, don't matter if you a human, mutant, devil, metal man with a ugly red diamond on you head, big ol' cat or what, one o' dem gators eats you, you stay eaten."

"I LIKE that story, Rene!" Aimee, the little girl in the cell next to him declared.

"I'm glad," he smiled at her. "I like it too."

"If I had gator, I'd call him Killer!" Gaius said from across the corridor.

"I'd call mine Buddy."

"I'd call mine Tater."

"I'd call mine Princess!"


"SHADDUP!" Sabertooth hit the switch that sent and elecric shock through all of the cells' metal floors and walls.

It hurt, and it left Rene shaking and twitching. For the millionth time he wondered what the hell these people wanted with him, who they were and why it was taking the guilds so long to find him.

He heard the big cat's footsteps stop in front of his cell. "Guess what storyteller? It's your turn to have a sleep over in the lab." Sabertook grinned cruelly.
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Date: April 3rd, 2010 06:00 am (UTC)
"Hey C," Rene ground out, his vocal chords are pretty trashed. "I'm not dead. That's something, right?" He smiles at the kid. He feels sorry for him, having to watch. He wonders what he's done to have to be put through that.
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Date: April 3rd, 2010 06:01 am (UTC)
"No, don't say that," Rene shakes his head. "This is happening to all of us. I know you don't wanna be down there, watching . . . all that. We worry on nights when you don't come, you know? We worry that he's done something to you. You know that, maybe, you turned away."

He lets that thought sit there for a moment while he rests his throat. It's the truth. He worries about the kid. And he likes the kid. But he also hopes the kid can help him, maybe help them all. "You do help when you come talk to me, you know? It helps a lot." Rene pulls himself into a sitting position. "Listen, Cassidy," He pronounces the name with the Southern penchant for dropping syllables so it sounds like Cass'dy, "do you you know where we are? Or do you ever go outside, maybe see anything that might help us figure out where we are?"
[User Picture Icon]
Date: April 3rd, 2010 06:02 am (UTC)
Rene nods in resignation. Accepting both that there is no information to be had and that his voice needs a break. He gives Cassidy a thumbs up as he lies down and lets his eyes close.

He doesn't remember if Cassidy was able to come back. The next thing he knows he is waking up in the Lab. Sinister was literally in his face. He was removing the heavy power inhibitor collar from around his neck. Rene immediately tries to grab something, anything, and charge it, but his hands are strapped to the table, and charging the table he was lying on wasn't an option.

Sinister laughed at him. It was a cold sound, pitched to humilate. "Certainly you realize that I'm aware of what your powers are and how to effectively inhibit them, even without the collar?"

Rene gathered all of his fear, anger and hate and threw it into Sinister's mind. Unfortunately, it bounced off the scientist's shields, and smacked right back into Rene's mind, something he'd never experienced before. He screamed.

Sinister shook his head. "You have so much power, but you are like a toddler trying to walk. Too much momentum and you fall. Your balance is hit and miss at best. And you expend so much energy for so little result." A horrible smile crossed Sinister's face. "But I'm going to fix that."

"You know, I kind of have an aversion to the word 'fix', so I'd just as soon you not, if it's all the same."

"I assure you, it is not all the same to me, LeBeau."

"Boudreaux," Rene spit out.

It irritated Sinister. "Do you think it matters to me what you're called?" He grabbed Rene by the hair and pulled his up so that the straps on his wrists were cutting the skin. "I. KNOW. WHAT. YOU. ARE."

"I'm an assassin, and I'm a thief, and you are a dead man as soon as I get loose, I promise you that!"

Sinister let Rene go and his head banged against the metal table. That was when he got his first glimpse of Cassidy, standing by the wall, watching.
