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MEME TIME [Aug. 24th, 2009|10:16 pm]
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Interview meme

• leave me a comment saying "GOOBLEDIGOOK",
• i'll respond by asking you five questions so i can get to know you better.
• update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

[info]urgent asked me:

1. What got you interested in joining equations?
Actually, I had never heard of this sort of thing before until this crazy girl I knew started stealing my pictures and faking me lol. I promised I wouldn't say anything and ruin her e-rep if she gave me the account. And she did and I started getting involved and met some great girls :) this all happened on greatestjournal.

2. If you weren't dating your boyfriend, who would you like to be dating now?
I can't even think of anyone lol

3. Did you know you and utena both live in Texas? XD
I did know! I think it came up in a chat once.

4. What would you choose for a career if you couldn't do the one you have now?
Earth science teacher

5. What TV show or movie could you watch repeatedly
30 Rock or No Reservations.