runningamok - Arnaud Powell

Date: 2011-04-17 07:22
Subject: Arnaud Powell
Security: Public

Name: Arnaud Powell
Residence/Hometown: Montpelier, Jamaica.
Age/Birthday: 17. August 11, 1994.
Gender/Sexuality: Male/Gay. He feels a responsibility to the family to continue the family name, which makes his sexuality a personal struggle. He knows he could still have kids (by adoption or surrogate), but he worries that his parents simply won't understand.
PB: Donald Glover
Any notable differences from the pb? He stands at 5'9". He wears black rimmed reading glasses. Something of a fashionista, but he's not snooty about it. He dresses very well, sometimes in clothes too expensive for the allowance his parents give him.

School/Magic Stuff
Wand: 13 inches. Brazilwood. Sturdy. Hippogriff feather core. It took him a long time to understand how his wand worked. It requires respect and a good deal of care in order to respond to his will.
House and Year: Senior. Clemons. He doesn't like that he was sorted into Clemons, simply because of the reputation of the house.
Schedule: Lit. I, Divination II. Arnaud tested one year behind in Transfiguration and is taking it with the 5th years. On the inverse he tested into Advanced Herbology II and is taking it with the 7th years.
Strongest subject in school: Divination, Herbology.
Weakest subject in school: Care of Magical Creatures.
Extracurricular activities: Cooking Club, International Club, Pride, Intramural Sports
Boggart and Riddikulus: It's a ring being slipped onto his finger. He struggles to summon his riddikulus, which is a large bubbling cauldron into which he drops the ring to melt it.
Amortentia smells like: Apple fritters, lavender, ginger.
Patronus: Jamaican Owl. It's a nocturnal creature and is closely associated with the supernatural.
Animagus Form: N/A

Immediate Family Queisha (Clark) Powell (mother), Col. Nathan Powell (father), Natasha Powell (younger sister).

A bit of a momma's boy. He has a hard time relating to his dad now that he's older. He adores his little sister, but things changed when he decided to come to Dresden. She abjectly refuses to write to him and won't talk to him when he's home on breaks. His parents didn't want him going to school so far away either, but they figured he was old enough to decide what he wanted for himself.
Familiar: None.
Any other relations we should know about: Most of his family lives in Jamaica, except for an older cousin who moved to London. He spends more time with his mother's family than his father's.

He dated a girl at the Queens School, but they broke up when he decided to study at Dresden. It wasn't entirely apparent to her at the time that he was gay and he wasn't ready to admit it to himself.

Likes: Haircuts, dance music, the Alvin Ailey Dancers
Dislikes: Messes, stereotypes, fast food
Quirks: - Has a slight Jamaican accent.
- He gives haircuts/styles to students for a small price.
- Prefers to sleep during the day and be awake at night; he schedules all of his free periods early in the day.
Secrets: - Definitely smokes some Jamaican grass. He'll share with friends, but he won't sell it.
- Arnaud hasn't come out to his parents yet. He doesn't fear that his mother will reject him, but that she'll be disappointed. He's terrified about his father's potential reaction.
- He fears that he may have a calling to become an Obeahman.
Strengths: He has amazing self-discipline.
Weaknesses: His fear can sometimes overwhelm him.

Detailed personality: Arnaud was surrounded by people who were relatively larger than life. In response he developed a quieter, thoughtful demeanor. He can turn on the louder aspects of his personality when among his family to garner attention, but he doesn't need to be the center of attention and rarely does.

He fears the darker impulses his upbringing introduced him to and for the most part avoids temptation. For others he is a quiet, supportive force. For himself is a steadfast rock, denying any impulse that could awake the demons from his childhood training in Obeah.

Arnaud has a high degree of self-control, but his fear nibbles away at the defenses he has built for his mind. He sees the school counselor once a month for a session, but he rarely even scrapes the surface of what he fears. He's had two panic attacks since his arrival at Dresden; he wants to reach out for help, but again he fears it is a sign of personal weakness if he does.

Personal History: Both of his parents were wizards, but each chose unique paths for their lives outside the expected world of wizardry. The Powells were a well to do family and when their son, Nathan was chosen to be a commissioned officer he ended his wizarding education early to pursue a military career. The Clarks were practically a dynasty in the priesthood of Obeah. They practiced in secret, though anyone in the know could point you directly to their doorstep for help in reversing fortunes. Queisha was home-trained in her arts.

Nathan met Queisha on furlough and the two had a whirlwind romance. Arnaud was the result of many personal hardships on the part of his parents. His mother suffered several miscarriages before Arnaud's birth (and at least one more before the birth of his sister).

He had a mostly happy childhood at home, though there was always the worry that his father would get injured as part of his service. Plus his mother's peculiar career always set him ill at ease. He had a spark of talent for it; his mother taught him some of her arts at home, though his education was incomplete. He was never willing to give himself over completely, always remained a little closed off. Queisha also taught him how to cut and style hair, which was another front for her business as an Obeah priestess.

Arnaud was accepted to The Queens School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Jamaica and began his education there. He was a good student, though his introduction to marijuana at the age of 13 hindered his studies for a semester. His mother soon fixed that problem and Arnaud only smokes on the weekend now.

In his sophomore year he decided to study abroad and began researching schools. Many schools had flash and grand reputations, but Dresden's understated quality appealed to him and he undertook the application process to gain entrance. Half-way through his junior year, Arnaud decided that he liked the school so much he wanted to stay on another year and is making arrangements to do so.

Other Stuff: Someone could pick up his sister for next semester.

Dresden Academy
Hulett's Landing, New York

Arnaud K. Powell

Clemons House

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April 2012