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Meme-- Action, training with Tula [25 Mar 2013|04:16pm]
Ash had missed her "cousin" for want of a better term. Tula is family and Ash hasn't had much of a chance to visit with her in quite some time. That was why she had sent the invitation to work on their magic together. She had heard Tula had joined up with a team recently and so she decided that Tula could use some help.

After all what is family for? She thinks that Tula might want some pointers when it comes to spells that come in handy in a fight. Ash is found of magic that takes advantage of what is in the area though she has been known to use different kinds of magic too.

She has the room set up and ready for some serious training.
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Meme- First time [16 Feb 2012|04:58pm]
The ti,mes Michael and Ash got to spend together weren't as frequent as either of them would like. They were both very busy people after all. Which is why Ash had dropped in and was trying her best to let Michael finish up the last chapter he had to go over for one of his classes.

But it's very hard when she has nothing to keep herself busy. She gets up from where she had been lounging on his bed and slips her arms around him and perches her chin on his shoulder peering down at the pages he still has to get through. She really doesn't get some of this but that's okay. It's also perfectly okay to snuggle up against him like this.
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Sample Thread [24 Aug 2010|10:29pm]
Asherah Curry saw claws and things flying everywhere. She saw people in trouble. Like anyone who could she swam into the thick of things to save them. She sent out a wave of gravitational fields to throw the creature back away from her peiople.

Her eyes went wide though as the attack came. Some sort of hole opened. A building crashed apart above her and she fell backwards. It was an instant latter when she fell with parts from a building. There were shouts as the young teenager hit the ground. Then blinked as there was chaos around her.

The city. It wasn't right. Buildings that had been taken apart during the fight were suddenly back. There was life going on all around her.

She blinked when several city guards came towards her. She expected greetings of respect.

That is not what happened.
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[24 Aug 2010|09:41pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Beth
AIM (if you have one): chappaiguardian
Character Name: Asherah 'Ash' Curry
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): A fine boned teenager with pale blond hair and bright blue eyes. She is very fair skinned and tends to wear very light colored clothing.
Age: 15
Birthday: February 18
Codename (if using one): Sea Siren
PB: (If using one.) Joss Stone
Abilities: Atlantean physiology. Limited telepathic abilities when it comes to communicating with aquatic life forms. Asherah is a mage learning Atlantean magic. She can use magic for limited telekinesis and flight both take a great deal of focus.
Weaknesses and flaws: Asherah is very shy. She has trouble saying full sentences without breaking off or stammering if she thinks her opinion won't be well received.
Character location/Home: Atlantis
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: Possible secondary Titan
Relatives (living/dead?): Arthur Curry( father living), Mera(living, Arthur Curry JR (dead), Koryak (half-brother other dimension, dead, home dimension living) Cait Curry (other dimension sister)

Asherah Curry was born in Atlantis in another reality. She had a rough time growing up under the nearly constant threat of being kidnapped or killed to hurt her father. While she adored her father she hated that she was so heavily protected. She didn't know until she was almost twelve about the older brother that had died when he had been very young.

She did know though that if she hadn't been born it was likely her mother Mera would have walked out of her father because of how much grief they both went through and how much anger her mother directed at her father due to the events surrounding the death of their first child. It seemed that having her brought the royal family back together at least that was her perspective as a twelve year old child. Asherah was not sure what to think about that like most children her age. She was already a shy and reserved person because of how little trust she could place in other people outside of her family but to discover how personally important she was to her parents besides being their little girl drove her deeper into becoming a shy person. What helped her was that she had a strong bond with her half-brother Koryak. They had always been close and she could more easily share her thoughts with him since they grew up together.

She did start to come out of her shell after she began to learn about magic. At one point both Garth and Atlan taught her. It gave her a way to feel much more confident about her place. It was still a habit to stammer though. One she won't likely be able to get rids of until she is much more experienced in the world.

She was with her guards put for a day trip when she felt something cry out. As if a thousand voices were being snuffed out all at once. That was when they went back and saw some kind of sea monster they didn't recognize. Seeing her parents fighting it Asherah was suddenly filled with a spark of courage. What she didn't know was the beast had the power to distort reality and move between realities. During the fight it was starting to destroy parts of Atlantis and Asherah moved to start getting people out of the way. It was around then that she ended up falling in one of the holes the creature had created, Falling through somehow closed it up and she found herself in an Atlantis that was not the one she knew.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: After the current Atlantis plot. She will find herself in Atlantis and be very confused because things are NOT how they should be.

What are you planning to do with this character? She will follow after Cait. A lot of younger sibling hero worshiping. And she will try to be a hero just like her big sister.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: Grow out of her shell. She should make friends and start to trust that not everyone wants to hurt her. I also want her to learn that family comes in all shapes and sizes.
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