forever and ever is a very long time;

August 21st, 2008

August 21st, 2008

C is for cookie, that's good enough for me!

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[MH] She's a lover...
The new Prince of Persia looks really interesting, I might grab it for the PC when it comes out. I know the buddy system can be frustrating in games, but hot lady-friend seems to mirror the Prince's movements well, and he even grabs her hand and swings her up when she lands just below him after a jump. I'm a sucker for pretty graphics, and I love high quality screenshots. Yum.

Hm. I think I might have slowed down the network trying to get my songs on the Mac to my laptop, downloads are taking ridiculously long. I'm almost done, though! I've also been really frustrated with my Hotmail account lately, I think I might get a Gmail account instead. The only trouble is redirecting everything. :/

I made chocolate chip cookies this morning but I forgot that EVERYONE IN THIS HOUSE IS A SCAVENGER. I made a dozen and there's only one lonely cookie left. No cookies left. D: But I still have brownie mix! :D

Now I have to vacuum. :/
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