forever and ever is a very long time;

October 3rd, 2008

October 3rd, 2008

Artsy fartsy.

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[FHFIF] Chocolate milk.
Went to see Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist, and was surprised to learn it was co-written by David Levithan. I really liked his other book, The Realm of Possibility. It seems like I read that such a long time ago! I was also proud of myself for spotting a Go! Team poster. Way to make me feel super cool, movie. It was a sweet movie, my fave character by far was Caroline, drunk friend extraordinaire.

Have to start signing up for next semester classes already. :/ But I'm actually kind of excited to take some art classes! Just Fundamentals of Art & Design and Basic Drawing, but I haven't taken a real art class since...eighth grade? Oh man.
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