forever and ever is a very long time;

November 5th, 2008

November 5th, 2008


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[The Dark Knight] Chance.
YAY FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT! YAY DEMOCRACY! DELICIOUS PRESIDENTS! I love American history (and history in general), and I'm kind of a weirdo who thinks the United States of America is pretty awesome regardless of who's President. But now I need a picture with the giant bust of Barack Obama at President's Park in Williamsburg. I wonder how long it takes for them to make one? Where will they go when there are too many busts? Hmmm. Oh god I'm totally geeking out AMERICAN HISTORY YUM. I am being consumed by the need to learn all of the Presidents in order.

I can't even imagine wanting to run for President. ABC News has some before-and-after pictures of recent Presidents who served two terms. Poor Dubya seems to have aged the worst, but the effects are almost as bad in good old FDR and Wilson (obviously, wars are not helpful in keeping your youthful complexion).

So, hopefully there will be a little lull before the ruckus that will be DECISION 2012 starts up? This election seemed to take ages!
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