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39 weeks [27 May 2008|03:21pm]
[ mood | blah ]


Well no job still looking I feel like there's a break coming soon...in a good way.

My Aunt Frances mother is dying, she is very elderly, they switched her meds and the meds caused everything to taste badly for her and she won't eat. She's barely eaten anything in like a month so everyone is coming to see her. My cousin and his girlfriend are coming here tonight and seeing his grandmother tomorrow.

My Aunt is  mad at our side of the family because she sent an email out to everyone saying that her Mother is dying and her in laws (my grandparents) have sent her joke email after joke email and haven't replied to her Mother dying email. I agree that is pretty fucked up, my grandparents even sent a card to my ex boyfriends family when his grandfather died. His grandmother died days later.

The Family is supposedly having a family reunion sometime next year, we think My grandmother just wants her "good" kids around her for a time. It's not an actual family reunion. My aunt has now refused to go because of them not replying to her mother's email. She had given them many of the benefit of the doubt regarding this subject and all of them have fell threw. My Grandparents just didn't reply, I told her maybe they were sending a card and it hadn't got here yet. She doubted like i did.

My Grandparents don't like my Aunt Frances and on some bits I can honestly see way, she can get annoying as fuck. But, She is a good decent woman whose just a bit of a flake and can never get anywhere on time.

Speaking of my Aunt, she called me just after she got to work this morning asking me to clean the  bathroom and that she had an idea that she needed info from me for. I was hoping it wasn't to move all my stuff out of my room so my cousin and his girlfriend could sleep in here because to make this room proper for guests would take a lot longer than the time I have now before they get here. Only reason why I think this is because that my room actually has two beds in it and there's two of them.

I called her back she was in a meeting, I called her at about 12:30 it's just about 3:00 now so I'm guessing it's not that important.

Other than that my main RP partner is moving back to Washington State in two days so when I go back to Colorado she won't be there. I still have a beef with her regarding some things some very important things. But, they have lost their bite considering how long I've been in Florida, She's moving to a different state, and that my other friend has all my stuff in storage. Only thing I hope is that my friend has all my stuff and my rp partner doesn't purposely or not take some of my things. She had them before my other friend took them and we have fairly similar tastes  and there was one box of supple stuff I said she could use but not have. But, I can't really do anything from this distant and my friend that has my stuff doesn't know what's what so can't blame him there.

I also got a bill from my old apartment complex...we moved out almost a year ago to the day! This is the first time I have ever heard us owing them any money. So I emailed my old roomies, one said he'll send whatever money he can , one said he will try. It's all I ask really. I got a check from my mom that was like the prefect amount well off by 2 cents But that will pay for that. Then my old roomies will just send me the money whenever they can.They might be jerks at times but they will come through when you need them.

well must go.

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