Patricia "Tricia" Lynn Dugan/ Star-Spangled Kid's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Patricia "Tricia" Lynn Dugan/ Star-Spangled Kid

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App [06 Feb 2011|01:18pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Patricia "Patty" Lynn Dugan
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]starspangledkid
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'4, 119 lbs, red hair, blue eyes.
Age: 15
Birthday: April 19th
Codename (if using one): Star-Spangled Kid
PB: Haley Ramm
Abilities: Patty has no superhuman abilities of her own. She is, however, in possession of the Cosmic Converter Belt handed down to her by her older sister, Courtney.

Cosmic Converter Belt:

Solar Energy Conversion: The Cosmic Converter Belt converts cosmic energy (star light) and into a very useful and flexible force.

* Enhanced Strength: It enables the wearer to lift incredible weight
* Enhanced Agility: move with heightened agility.
* Enhanced Speed
* Enhanced Stamina
* Shooting Stars: which are light forms which disrupt electric devices and organic nervous systems.
* Aura Connection: the Converter Belt is attuned to the aura of the wielder.

Patty has been trained by her sister in use of both of these to where she is reasonably skilled with them. She has also had some kickboxing training from her sister, in addition to a little training in hand-to-hand from other members of the JSA.

Weaknesses and flaws: Patricia is still a normal human girl, with normal human weaknesses. She can also be a little high-strung at times.
Character location/Home: JSA Brownstone
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Team: JSA
Relatives (living/dead?): Pat Dugan (father), Barbara Whitmore-Dugan (mother), Courtney Whitmore (half-sister), Mikey Dugan
Backstory: Patty is the only child born to Pat Dugan and Barbara Whitmore-Dugan. Like her brother and sister, Patty grew up surrounded by the JSA, being one of the youngest of the next-generation "JSA kids".

When she was thirteen, Courtney started to train Patty how to use the Cosmic Converter Belt. When her family was attacked by the Injustice Unlimited, Patty used the converter belt to help fight off the IU, even though her and her family were kidnapped by the IU.

After wards, Patty decided that she wanted to go into the "family business". Though her mother has some reservations about her youngest child going into the heroing business at such a young age, after a long talk with her father and her brother, Pat agreed to talk to the JSA about taking her on as a 'junior member', as the JSA will provide her with the training she needs, and she's still young and in school.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Join the JSA
What are you planning to do with this character?: Adjust to the superhero scene, be the rookie and "junior" member of the JSA, grow into her own as a hero.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Development. Part-time JSA stuff. Deal with being a superhero and a high school student.
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