[icon] OOH, Shiny. - go go power rangers.
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Current Music:Teenage Dream-Katy Perry
Subject:go go power rangers.
Time:10:51 pm
Current Mood:[mood icon] thoughtful
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Time:2010-08-19 04:50 am (UTC)
I love them so very much.
I have the whole series. I just recently bought the first one, though. The first one is harder to find than Carmen SanDiego. Haha.
Throughout case 1-4 I was yelling obscenities at Manfred. He made me so mad.

Thanks! Nice to meet you too! :D
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Time:2010-08-19 05:16 am (UTC)
OH MAN I HATE Von Karma! I have all the games too. I'm playing Investigations right now! But outsmarting the Interpol Agent (Lang?) is super hard!! I just can't think like Edgeworth ;∆;

Did you know Japan has an ace attorney musical :D?
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Time:2010-08-19 05:26 am (UTC)
Yes, I did!
And Lang gave me a bit of trouble too.
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[icon] OOH, Shiny. - go go power rangers.
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