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The Tamagotchi Ocean! - Tama-Go
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tamagotchis From: [info]tamagotchis Date: December 31st, 2012 08:50 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: It is worth it

If money is a major factor, then I would say by all means get the Tama-Go. Despite my personal misgivings, I think its probably still far superior to any of the previous versions of American Tamagotchis. The Tama-Go has more features, better animations and is probably more fun overall. My major criticisms are that 1) its too big to fit into my purse, so it would be difficult to care for it wherever I go, 2) Bandai did not seem to put a lot of thought into the shell design and as a result the Tama-go has an extremely cheap feel and look to it, unlike the Japanese Color Tamagotchis, and 3) the batteries run out much quicker since the Tamagotchi requires a lot more power than previous versions. If you want something that is just better overall quality, then go for ANY of the Japanese Colors and you will be quite satisfied in my opinion. Color screen or no color screen, Bandai simply did not really seem to care much about the American market when they decided to put out the Tama-go.
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