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Dandi Watson

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[Oct. 23rd, 2008|02:24 am]
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I should probably change my name to "tankedgirl" heh. I'm tipsy.
My girlfriend is asleep. I take too much adderall. I'm wide awake. I want someone to talk to. Boo on me. I just went outside for a cigarette and it's cold. I hate it. Ughhh... I wish I had something interesting to update about but I don't. Life's fallen into a rut of predictability and it's not that fun. Meh.

I've been playing a shit-ton of Pokemon Pearl. This probably is why i've had no life recently hahaha. xD

Tell me of your recent adventures and delightful experiences. I need to know the whole world isn't in the same place I am right now.

Thanks for reading, as always m'dears. ♥

[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2008-10-23 02:26 pm (UTC)


It's been ridiculously cold here, too. :( I have a hard time sleeping without my fan on... but it's too cold to turn it on. x(

I'm stuck somewhere in Pokemon Diamond, lmao. I might go back to that as soon as I finish Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations.
[User Picture]From: [info]cruxshadows
2008-10-23 08:02 pm (UTC)


What exactly is "Phoenix Wright"? . I have the ::cough.:: ROMZ/EMU -- THAT WORX ::cough cough cough.:: ....but I have yet to try them. I hear they are good, but I'm too lazy to actually play. :\ I've got tons of Silent Hill to catch up on.. ever since SHO + SHH came out. Bummer...
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2008-10-23 11:02 pm (UTC)


It's a lawyer simulator/murder mystery.
[User Picture]From: [info]cruxshadows
2008-10-23 08:01 pm (UTC)


I take too much Adderall, too. You ain't the only one. XD!
[User Picture]From: [info]smoke
2008-10-23 10:02 pm (UTC)


I worked in the pharmacy yesterday and filled so many damn things of adderall! it was insane!