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[Apr. 10th, 2011|05:04 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-10 08:43 pm (UTC)


How so? And man. Socks missing is like... so random.
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-10 08:46 pm (UTC)


I mean like... gone. One sock of two pairs are missing as far as I've noticed. Gone completely.

And it isn't that random. People have been bitching about missing socks for weeks. It's some weird epidemic.
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-10 09:45 pm (UTC)


I meant the weird week?

I know that. I just meant that the perpetrator's choice of socks was random. Not that it hasn't been going on for very long.
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-10 10:07 pm (UTC)


Right. Socks have gone missing from each house and well... they took a couple of my good ones this time, damnit.

The weird week? I bumped into Leon a couple days ago. It got confusing and weird very quickly.
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-11 01:00 am (UTC)


Ugh man that sucks. Sorry.

Well Leon gets confused and weird pretty quickly, so that's not really surprising. What happened?
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-11 01:03 am (UTC)


I bumped into him at the bookstore and after he remembered me from Charlie's party... Well. He's teaching me how to talk to girls because he wants me to help him with something.
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-11 01:13 am (UTC)



What?? That disgustoso, senza cervello, buona scusa per un essere umano...

Why on earth would you want to take girl advice from him? And what would you need to help him with?

And what, I'm not a good person to get advice from in this area?
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-11 01:17 am (UTC)



Vin, you know I'm coming to you any time I need help with girl issues.

If I could take some of what he shares, and put it together with your help, I might actually stand a chance in hell of not being a bumbling idiot with girls the rest of my life.

Plus? He was asking if I liked Adelaide before he had this idea. I think he wants to break it off with her. You gotta admit the girl is hot.
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-11 01:24 am (UTC)

Re: Vinnie


You better. I'm the best, after all.

Yeah dude, but what he shares... I mean, do you want to start acting like a bigoted asshole? The way the guy treats people, male or female, doesn't really go well with treating women like they're supposed to be treated.

And do you really want to go after Adelaide if he breaks it off with her? That's not usually the way it goes, unless you want to be the pity fuck. I think you should be more than that, and damaged goods isn't the way to go, man. You just end up getting hurt.

I'm not saying you can't do what ya want here. I'm just saying the guy has an agenda and he might be using you for it. Think about it, capisce?
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-11 01:30 am (UTC)



No, I'm not going to start acting like a bigoted asshole. But who the hell knows - maybe there's some points that may actually be useful. You know I'm too curious for my own good.

I don't think it's that he wants me to pick up the pieces. I think he's hoping I can win her over so he doesn't have to deal with the nasty break up. That won't make me a "pity fuck" as you call it.

If he does break it off with her? Maybe I can at least soften the blow? I don't know. I wouldn't want to see a girl with a broken heart, and I can at least show her there's a better guy as an option if she so chose.

And... speaking of girl advice... I've just been asked to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance.

Uh. What am I supposed to do?
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-11 01:46 am (UTC)



Hey man, didn't actually think you would. You're too smart for that. I get the curiosity part, too.

I just don't think that you should be the one to make this easier for him. For her, maybe. I don't really know Adelaide, so I don't even know if she'd respond well to that, but all I can say really is buona fortuna.

My advice to you? For getting asked to the Sadie Hawkins dance?

Go. :)

Seriously though, who was it? Find out what she's wearing if you can and make an effort to match if it's possible. Get her a corsage. Meet her at her dorm and escort her there all gentlemanly. Heck, you can even get her a little present to mark the occasion if you like. Girls like that kind of attention, especially if it isn't expected.
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-11 01:55 am (UTC)



We'll have to see how it goes. If it works? Then I get the girl away from the asshole.

Oh, I said yes. Of course. How could I not?

It was Colby. I did think to ask her about the dress. Corsage, yes. Okay. I will get her that.

What sort of present?
[User Picture]From: [info]che_bel_viso
2011-04-11 03:12 am (UTC)



That's always a good cause.

Colby, huh? Send her an email saying that you're looking forward to going to the dance with her, and that you want to make sure you don't clash and make her look bad, so you want to know if there is a particular color you should go with or avoid.

Get to find out a little bit about her. She likes to read? A journal for her thoughts. She likes music? A CD and a follow up date to a music store and dinner. She likes nothing you can really relate to? A cute pendant or some earrings.

Just something that shows you're paying attention.
[User Picture]From: [info]thatmachineboy
2011-04-11 03:17 am (UTC)



I already asked her about the dress. Somehow I managed to remember that off the cuff. How? Don't have any idea.

Good to know. Awesome