I’m a twit, degenerate young rebel and I’m proud of it -
[I’m so bad and I don’t give a damn, I love it when you’re mad]

Mackenzie Dubinsky
Date: 2022-01-22 22:48
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Tatum Donnelly

Ever since Sera introduced them, Mack has always been drawn to Tatum. She couldn't quite explain why, but she couldn't keep her mind off the redhead. Soon enough she figured out that these feelings were ones of love, and started to pursue the younger girl. After being rejected countless times Mack finally got the girl and couldn't be happier. Sometimes it's hard to be tied down to one person, but Mack is trying her hardest to hang on to this one. [info]ojandtostitos

Hunter Sommer
Best Friend/Blood Brother

Mack has known Hunter her whole life, or at least as long as she can remember. The two of them grew up together, both raised mostly by Mackenzie's sister Kia. Mack doesn't count Hunter as anything but her blood brother at this point. She followed her into the auror program to have her back, and that's what she plans to do for the next couple of decades. She trusts Hunter with everything, and would die for the other girl. [info]texasranger

Kia Dubinsky
Older Sister/Keeper

Kia is the woman who raised her singled handed, even though they are not far apart in age. Her sister has always been he nurturing type and is one of the few people who know how to control Mackenzie and Hunter. While Mack loves her dearly, she always goes out of her way to mess with her. It's just how their relationship works. [info]mamabear

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my journal
January 2022