I’m a twit, degenerate young rebel and I’m proud of it -
[I’m so bad and I don’t give a damn, I love it when you’re mad]

Mackenzie Dubinsky
Date: 2011-11-13 18:11
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

please don't be the one that got away. I'm so sorry Tatum.

Anyone judges me and I'll kill you. Katy Perry is a fox.

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Hunter Sommer: 040
User: [info]texasranger
Date: 2011-11-14 10:42 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

Even as an old bag? I dunno, man.

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Mackenzie Dubinsky: pic#342993
User: [info]thedirtysouth
Date: 2011-11-14 14:48 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

I mean, she's like a fine wine, she ages. But hey, she'e ain't that bad looking of an old lady, right?

Still a fox if you ask me

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Hunter Sommer: 037
User: [info]texasranger
Date: 2011-11-14 17:51 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

If you're into that shit. I always saw you as more of a cradle robber myself..

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Tatum Donnelly: 046
User: [info]ojandtostitos
Date: 2011-11-14 10:59 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Mack]

Two can play that game, you know..

I'm sorry I never said anything sooner. How are you? Is that right? Like I don't know Yeah.

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Mackenzie Dubinsky: pic#342979
User: [info]thedirtysouth
Date: 2011-11-14 14:53 (UTC)
Subject: Private to Tatum

It's not a game Tatum

I'm sorry. Are you mad at me? Can I see you or something?

Oh. Uhm...so you're talking to me...that's a good sign right?

I know this isn't the best way to say it but I'm sorry.

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Tatum Donnelly: 030
User: [info]ojandtostitos
Date: 2011-11-14 17:53 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Mack]

Yeah, I guess. You probably shouldn't drink, you're kind of mean.

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Mackenzie Dubinsky: pic#342996
User: [info]thedirtysouth
Date: 2011-11-14 19:20 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Tatum]

Can we like...talk? In person.

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Tatum Donnelly: 003
User: [info]ojandtostitos
Date: 2011-11-14 19:29 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Mack]


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Mackenzie Dubinsky: pic#342983
User: [info]thedirtysouth
Date: 2011-11-14 19:33 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Tatum]

Your room? I'm on my way over...

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Tatum Donnelly: 004
User: [info]ojandtostitos
Date: 2011-11-14 23:41 (UTC)
Subject: [Private to Mack]

Why my room? ok I guess.

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January 2022