a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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call for aid! [22 Oct 2008|03:18pm]
I'm trying to cast a male character for my NaNo, because I think better in pictures. He's got brown hair and brown eyes, moderately built but edging towards thin, an English teacher and father of two, dresses like it. I'm looking for a sort of scruffy look, a lot of smiles, towards the older side of thirty, and he has to look good next to Carla Gugino. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!

ETA: I also need a female name that makes you kind of think she's a bitch right off the bat. Preferably not Anabelle or anything beginning with L, E, C, or I.

ETA2: Nathaniel Parker is and will always be Malcolm Dresden in my head, but you know who else could play him, theoretically? GREGORY PECK. Trufax.
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[22 Oct 2008|09:11pm]
Dear Vorkosigan Saga Fandom:

Is it too damn much to ask for some Aral/Cordelia fanfiction?

Seriously! They've been quite happily married for thirty years, they've successfully parented lots of kids both belonging to them and not, they've survived God knows how much shite, and they're definitely still having sex. There is so much potential! Not to mention opportunities for porn![1]

So why is there no fic?


[1]On a related note, why is all the porn slash.
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