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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Fanmix: Remember the Name [09 May 2009|09:58pm]
Medium: Books
Fandom: Lois McMaster Bujold’s Miles Vorkosigan series
Subject: Miles Vorkosigan
Title: Remember the Name
Warnings: Spoilers abound.
Notes: So I usually include bonus songs on my fanmixes. In this case, however, I couldn't choose. So on this one, you get three. Also, this is far from chronological and the quotes aren't all from Miles; I put it together in a way that made sense at the time. Much like Miles. Enjoy!

Behind the cut: links, lyrics, pictures, explication. )
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Baaaaah! [09 May 2009|10:09pm]
1. Post about something that made you happy today.

2. Repeat for eight days. No, don't say the same thing every day, numbskull.

3. Tag six people to do the same. I ain't tagging nobody. Do it if you like.

Terry Pratchett made me happy today. Specifically, rereading Interesting Times. I always forget how funny the man is in between re-reads. Also, putting a bunch of books on hold at the library, and realizing how lucky I am to essentially have books on demand for free. \m/
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