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a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Fic: Never Saw It Coming [04 Nov 2009|10:24pm]
[ music | Just Scarecrows To War--Murray Gold ]

Title: Never Saw It Coming
Spoilers: Through Cursor's Fury, though nothing explicit.
Summary: "If you don't shut up," Tavi said, conversationally, "I will find something new and entertaining to do with a furylamp, and I guarantee you won't like it at all."
Fandom: Codex Alera
Rating: PG-13 for some mentions of sex.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Jim Butcher.
Notes: Written for beckyh2112 in the alera_ficathon. Her prompt was " Maximus, Kitai, and Tavi. Something light-hearted, set during Tavi's Legion officer days after "Cursor's Fury" but before "Captain's Fury"." I trust this works.

Also, the number of times I wrote "earthbending" when I meant "earthcrafting" is truly ridiculous. This is your fault, Bex.

Beta'd by the ever-wonderful priscellie.

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