a mite whimsical in the brainpan's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
a mite whimsical in the brainpan

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Yuletide is upon us! [14 Nov 2009|04:53pm]
Dear Yuletide author:


First of all, I love you for embarking upon this epic journey with me and however many others have signed up. I also love you for sharing at least one of my fandoms with me. I think my prompts speak for themselves, and I hope they're neither too specific nor too vague, but I do want to let you know that you can throw them right out the window if you like. Anything in these fandoms will make me joyful.

Some specific things I like: fluff. Clearly. I like happy stories, generally, though I do not object to angst in small portions, especially people just hanging out and being people together. Everyday situations, navigating life together. I like funny stories. I like snark. I like characters in character. I don't like character bashing, or general meanness. I don't usually gravitate towards especially graphic violence or sex. I'm usually more interested in the emotions behind a scene, the way characters feel and act and why they do, than what they're actually doing.

I want to stress that these are just guidelines. I have total faith in you to produce something awesome, and I promise to leave you a squeeing, probably incoherent review when they go up. Good luck! I believe in you! Can't wait to see what you produce.

Much love,
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[ viewing | November 14th, 2009 ]
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