Tira - Great.. Or not so great...

Jun. 25th, 2008

02:31 pm - Great.. Or not so great...

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At some point yesterday I suddenly got ill. My stomach started to hurt and I got row. I didn't know why, before this morning!
I woke up at 10:59 AM, my mom called me.. She told me that a memeber of the family that I really care for is gone! He died yesterday from a stroke.. He was my grandmas brother in law, but I loved him so! We all called him Uncle Svein! 
His laughter brought so much joy into us all! He was so young at heart and was always playing and fooling around. His grandkids loved him dearly! And so did I!
I feel so bad...

I will always love you and remember you Uncle Svein! I know that you are in a better place right now. But we still miss you a lot.

Current Location: Home
Current Mood: [mood icon] sad
Current Music: My own head
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[User Picture]
Date:June 25th, 2008 02:03 pm (UTC)
I'm sorry to hear that you're sick and my hear goes out to you and your family may your relative rest in peace ♥
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[User Picture]
Date:June 26th, 2008 01:58 am (UTC)

Thank You

I really appreciate it.
I miss him dearly, he was always there!
I feel so bad for his wife and daughter...
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