In good company
Sharon von Ladyfriend ([info]vampire_saga) wrote on March 18th, 2008 at 03:54 am
Another day spent with my husband yesterday, much more intimate than the first. We set aside our games and even television in order to give our undivided attention to one another. I can't count the times we said "I love you". It always makes me so content and happy to just be in his arms...

Also, I forgot to mention that I ran into Millia again about a week ago and offered to let her stay with us for a time while she searches out Zato Eddie. She was very polite in declining for a while, but I eventually convinced her. I think that Slayer was glad to see her too.

Since she's been here she's mostly stayed on her side of the house, as usual. But I do see her every now and again and we do meet up and talk.

As silly as it sounds, it's good to feel like the children are home again.

I should make cookies...
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