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*It's Time...this is as close as it's gonna come to me letting you go* [26 Mar 2010|03:34am]
[ mood | Trying ]
[ music | Kesha-Your Love is My Drug ]

They say if you love someone you have to let them go and see if they come back. I personally think that it shouldn't be that way and if it has to happen that way I think they were never truly in love with you,but that's just my personal opinion. I do however believe in giving people space which is what I'm now trying to do. I'm not going to see my bf until the 31st which true is only a week away but a week is an improvement for me if I can do it with out going into deep depression or freaking out over a facebook status lol. When your in love someone I'll definately admit it's alot harder to control those things. I'm trying's hard cuz all I wanna do is be around him and make sure he's happy. I wanna be the one to make him happy although I'm starting to fear I don't have the power to do that anymore. We're gonna have a baby and I want him around for that so I'm gonna try not to crowd him. I know he's overwhelmed and need's space so I'm granting him that. yes it's only a week but baby steps lol. I can feel the baby fluttering already ^_^ it makes me happy. My next Dr. appt is the first so we will see how it bf will be there so it should go great! Anyways goodnight everyone!

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[ viewing | March 26th, 2010 ]
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