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What was the last thing you "got away with?" [04 Apr 2008|11:17pm]
What was the last thing you "got away with?"

Yay and this is where I get to make my self sound like a criminal lol.  Well I've snuck a bottle of rum into my room that my parents don't know about.  I've been drinking their tequila...that they don't know about.  I steal sometimes, but mainly make-up...that shit is expensive.  I cheat a lot on homework.  Yeah maybe I'm a terrible person....but eh, I'm not worried.

Yeah so now that I've made myself sound like an alcoholic and a criminal onto more important stuff.  

TONIGHT WAS OPENING NIGHT!!!!!  It went really really well.  I'm so happy.  I just hope it gets better all weekend. 
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[ viewing | April 4th, 2008 ]
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