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Yay Prom [28 Apr 2008|02:27pm]
Whose house (besides your own) were you in last and why?
I was last in my grandmothers yesterday.  I was there for dinner (lunch) like I am every Sunday.  :]

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever seen one?
I believe in them yes, but I've never seen one.  It's quite easy to let you mind get out of hand, and it can happen very quickly.

So prom was amazing!!!  It was so much fun, and I finally came out of my shell a little bit and I danced.  So yeah.  I've never danced in public before without it being choreographed and something like ballet.  But yeah, and then after prom was sooo much fun.  There was tons of food and we got to bowl for free.  There were door prizes (which I got a huge bottle of conditioner...)  And then there was a drawing where all of the juniors and seniors get called, but one at a time, and we get to pick prizes from the table.  I got a new straightener that goes up to 400 degrees, 2 bottles of hair spray, and shampoo and conditioner.  So that was fun.  I didn't get home until like 4:30.  I still super tired!

This week is dance try-outs, and next week is guard try-outs.  I'm super nervous about my presentation on Monday...I haven't even started making my speech, and I haven't even started making my tri-fold.  AH, and I'm absolutely terrified of public speaking.

I just found out today that Mr. Pokorney won't let me do the website for my senior project...what an ass.  I was so pissed.  Now I have to find something else to do for my senior project.  Maybe I can still come up with a website idea.  Maybe something like a fine arts page...?  I dunno.  I'll talk to Mrs. Ulrick, Mr. Pallada, Mrs. Loehrke, and Mr. Pallada.  They might like this idea.

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