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Pirates or ninjas? [30 May 2008|09:26pm]
 Pirates or ninjas?

ninjas duh.
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If a newborn baby of unknown origins suddenly fell into your care, what would you do? If you kept it [30 May 2008|09:27pm]
 If a newborn baby of unknown origins suddenly fell into your care, what would you do? If you kept it, what would you name it?

If a newborn baby came into my possesion I would first get a DNA test done.  After that I would either keep it or try to some how not give it to the parents because what kind of responsible parent leaves their NEWBORN baby just anywhere?  Not the kind of mother a baby needs.  If I kept it I would either name it Grace or Arie if it were a girl.  If it were a boy I would name it James or Orion.
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[ viewing | May 30th, 2008 ]
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