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If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time? [06 Jun 2008|06:16pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | sweet november by tegan and sara ]

If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend the time?

If I knew that today was my last day I really don't know how I would spend my time.  There are obvious things I would want to do, you know, like travel, little things that no one notices until its gone.  Like have the best milk shake in the world.  Things that aren't really realistic to do in one day.  I would want to be around my family and friends.  I wouldn't want it to be a sad day.  I would want it to be hella fun, something that everyone else could remember and be like, hey that was a good fucking day, I wish every day were like that, and I certainly hope my last day is like that.  I would get that crazy hair cut I have always been to nervous to get.  I would try things with out hesitation because I know that whether or not I could get hurt, fuck, its my last day anyways.  But yeah, I would just want it to be fun.  Because I love fun. ^_^

So I guess the video isn't that bad.  The first section was, but the rest is pretty good.  I've been learning some new things.  Yeah I've taken notes too.  Fuck this is summer, what the hell?  Anyways, yeah.  So I'm just hangin'.  Tomorrow night is Kayleighs party.  Kayleigh is my cousin, and it's her big graduation party.  I'm kind of nervous to go, because I will be going by myself, and I like to be around people I know, because I'm really bad with meeting new people.  I don't know.  Like I said...anxious, nervous...

This summer kind of sucks so far.  You know how you build things up to be so much, but then you get there and you're like fuck this is kind of boring...  That's my description of summer right now.

I've realised that I've been cursing entirely too much lately.  That sucks.  Whatever, I don't really give a fuck.  Oh there I go again.  I'm not going to try to stop.  I like it. 

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