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• If you made up your own cereal, what would it consist of, and what would you call it?
June 5th, 2008 at 11:11pm CMMNT?

If you made up your own cereal, what would it consist of, and what would you call it? 

If I made up my own cereal I would call it... Super Yumm.  It would consist of fruity deliciousness...which has an obvious super yumm factor.  Who doesn't like fruity cereal?  Okay, so probably a lot.  Whatever.  I could have another type, sort of like nerd...two different flavors.  The other side could be chocolate-y goodness.  Most cereal eaters fall into one of those two categories.  

Ugh, I haven't been updating much lately, and no it's not because I'm necessarily busy, but I have to watch my brother and sister all day which means I have to actually watch them or they will kill each other...  I wish I could say I was exaggerating there....*sigh*

Can any one tell me how to figure out my SAT score?  Do you just add together the numbers under "summary of scores"?  If so, then I think I did bad...  

Today was guard...not so fun.  We finally have a new instructor... not so excited actually.  He has this video/handbook/workbook crap where we have to watch this boring video and do the dumb as hell work book.  What the fuck?  I don't care about the 5 fucking judge boxes.  Ugh If I didn't really need it I would burn it...all of it.  Fuck it.  I've watched 13 minutes and I'm already killing myself.

• Let's say you're a hobgoblin for 24 hours. What sort of havoc would you wreak?
May 31st, 2008 at 10:47pm CMMNT?

Let's say you're a hobgoblin for 24 hours. What sort of havoc would you wreak? 

what in the fucking hell is a hobgoblin?  

[edit]  In the event of finding out what a hobgoblin was, I decided to revise my answer....  There is no way I would ever be a hobgoblin....ever...  [/edit] 
• fuck
May 31st, 2008 at 11:12am CMMNT?

Ugh so I'm pretty pissed right now.  I just found out that I stayed up until 3:45 last night for nothing.  If you read my last post you will know that I was making a song.  Well I didn't save right (I'm obviously not at my brightest at 3:30 am).  So now all the shit I had to do last night is gone, and I have to start over.  Yeah.  So pissed.  I did some stuff you know where you only think of it when you're super tired and you're like fuck I don't know what I'm doing.  Well anyways, it sounded pretty dank last night, and now it's fucking gone.  ugh. hate. 
• omg
May 31st, 2008 at 02:24am CMMNT?

 Alright so it's 2:24 am.  Yeah, really fucking late.  I'm on cool edit pro and I'm making a song demo that I should have started two weeks ago.  Oh well.  I did it all tonight.  I'm going to have this rough draft ready before I go to dance.  Hopefully they like it.  I hope I get a little sleep.  Ugh.  I'm like in a trance right now.  

School is finally out, and I'm a senior!!!  I'm so happy.  I was really tired of school this year.  I think its something inside me that keeps repeating "One more year of this bullshit"  Yeah one more fucking year.  How amazing.  God I'm so excited for all my classes and stuff.  

Anyways, I really should get back.  I'm on my last song piece.


[edit 6-25-08] I'm so gald I didn't end up trying really hard on that. [/edit]
• If a newborn baby of unknown origins suddenly fell into your care, what would you do? If you kept it
May 30th, 2008 at 09:27pm CMMNT?

 If a newborn baby of unknown origins suddenly fell into your care, what would you do? If you kept it, what would you name it?

If a newborn baby came into my possesion I would first get a DNA test done.  After that I would either keep it or try to some how not give it to the parents because what kind of responsible parent leaves their NEWBORN baby just anywhere?  Not the kind of mother a baby needs.  If I kept it I would either name it Grace or Arie if it were a girl.  If it were a boy I would name it James or Orion.
• Pirates or ninjas?
May 30th, 2008 at 09:26pm CMMNT?

 Pirates or ninjas?

ninjas duh.
• If you've got Monday off, how are you spending it, and with whom?
May 26th, 2008 at 09:56pm CMMNT?

 If you've got Monday off, how are you spending it, and with whom?

I spent it like this:  I got up at 9, and I got on the computer.  I don't really know what I did.  the normal stuff I guess.  Then I went outside and swept my pool and then I helped my dad kill a snake.  It was a big snake too.  I was scared the whole time.  It was like 5 ft tall, and like 2 inched in diameter.  Ugh.  Gross.  But after that I played game cube with my sister.  Luigis Mansion, it was fun.  Then I helped my mom with supper, then I helped her clean the kitchen.  Then I was riding my go-cart with my sister.  then I took a shower and that brings me to present time.
• What commercial do you love the most? Which do you hate?
May 25th, 2008 at 10:22am CMMNT?

 What commercial do you love the most? Which do you hate?  

At the risk of sounding like a totaly loser I really like the commercial.  The song is funny and my brother and I always sing it when it comes on.  Yeah, we actually know the words lol.

[Edit 6/24/08]  I really really hate that head on commerical.  Worst commercial ever. [/edit]
• Have you ever named or befriended an inanimate object? What did you call it?
May 18th, 2008 at 12:23pm CMMNT?

Have you ever named or befriended an inanimate object? What did you call it?

Lmao, sometimes I give things names, but they never stick because I always forget.  I do believe I named my guard equipment...but I don't remember what they were. 
• How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a
May 8th, 2008 at 09:54pm 12 • CMMNT?

How many pair of shoes do you have? Out of those pairs, how many do you wear more than a few times a year? 

I have sooo many pairs of shoes.  I wear most of them...  There are a few that are gross and I refuse to wear.  Things I should get rid of...oh well.

Tonight was guard try-outs.  That was fun.  Tomorrow is the Panther Stake out.  Which means the oh so anticipated lip syncing contest is tomorrow.  We're doing paradise city.  It will be cute.  

Ugh.  I'm excited to be a senior, but nervous and sad.  Like I want to be a senior, but I don't want high school to end.

I've been thinking about getting a job.  Maybe at the drive-in theater.  It's at night and on weekend only so it will go well with my week day schedule which is watching my brother and sister.  ew.  But oh well.