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Movie and Book List, 2008! [Jan. 12th, 2008|05:46 am]
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[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-02-07 10:27 am (UTC)



You're not making any sense, Sarah. If anybody is being immature or juvenile about this, it's you.

I'm sorry that I don't want to bulk up my friends list full of people I never talk to, people who only talk to me when they're complaining about me deleting them, and people who don't put any effort forward to take the "friendship" from a name-on-a-list stage to the actual-friends stage.

I never ONCE said you needed to update every single day and comment every single one of my entries. If you IMed me on AIM once in awhile, left me a comment on Myspace, or did ANYTHING in an effort to communicate with me, I wouldn't have a reason to delete you.

I'm sorry you're incapable of understanding that I want the people on my friends list to actually BE friends, and not just random usernames that are taking up space.
[User Picture]From: [info]pandolfo
2008-02-07 11:05 am (UTC)


Like I said, I'm sorry the internet isn't my life and I embrace the real world.

One day the internet won't do everything for you anymore and you'll be left alone in your world with no idea how to make it besides on the internet. There is a world out there, did you know that? Spend some time in it, maybe you'll understand what I'm saying.
[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-02-07 11:09 am (UTC)


I find it ironic that this is coming from somebody who is freaking out because I deleted them from an online journal. Practice what you preach, sister.
[User Picture]From: [info]wasabi
2008-02-07 11:11 am (UTC)


... Also, you're trying to point out how I don't live in the "real world", which makes no sense.

I have a job. I pay bills. I'm home less than half of every day, and half of that time, I'm sleeping.

You really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and that's quite unfortunate because until today I wouldn't have thought that you'd throw such a fit over something so insignificant.